Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,65

lying now,” I confess and swallow hard.

“You know that the Martinellis are off-limits.”

I clasp my hands tightly in my lap.

“Look at me,” he says, but his voice is gentle, and his eyes hold compassion when I meet his. “You fancy yourself in love, do you?”


He nods and turns to look out the windows.

“He was sent here to follow you.”

I blink, certain I’ve heard him wrong.

“They’re keeping an eye on you and trying to get information. The fact that they’d stoop so low and use my innocent niece as a pawn is unforgivable.”

“No, that’s not what’s happening. Rafe was surprised to see me. We didn’t know we were attending the same college.”

“Annika,” Papa says beside me and reaches for my hand. “You know this is not possible. It’s forbidden.”

A tear drops onto my cheek. “I didn’t mean to fall in love with him any more than I can be to blame for his family tree.”

“You’re smarter than this,” Uncle Igor says. “And I’m ending it. Now. Your last day of class is Friday. You’ll be packed up and moved by Saturday afternoon. I’ve already arranged for the movers. This is not up for discussion.”

My world is crumbling out from under me.

“What about Ivie?”

“She’ll go with you. I know she’s your closest friend and your confidante. I’m not a monster.”

I have to try. I have to fight for what Rafe and I have. “Please, Uncle Igor. If you could just listen. If you could maybe talk to Rafe...”

“I am not at fault here,” he replies, his voice hard now. “You know what it means to be a part of this family. You know that the Martinellis are off-limits. You need to remember your place and be grateful that simply changing schools is your punishment for defying me.”

He’s all boss now. I know better than to talk back.

So, I simply nod.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. End it today. I have an apartment waiting for you and Ivie in Denver. It’s in a nice part of town and is newer than the place you have here.”

“Thank you.” It’s a whisper.

When they dismiss me, I walk on numb legs out of the office building and stand on the sidewalk in the sunshine.

My God, how will I tell him?

Chapter 1


Present Day

“They met with him?” I demand. I shove my hands into the pockets of my tux and work at keeping my face bland.

We’re at a wedding, for Christ’s sake.

“Pop confirmed it last night,” Carmine says, rocking back on his heels. “I meant to pull you both in and tell you, but things got crazy.”

“It was the night before your wedding,” Shane reminds him. “Of course, it’s crazy. What in the hell were they thinking, going in there alone? They’re too old for that shit.”

I share a look with my brothers, and then we all chuckle.

“They may be older,” I reply, speaking of our father and Carmine’s new father-in-law, Igor Tarenkov—they’re both bosses of two of the strongest crime families in the world, “but they’re not weak. They’re also smart. If they went in to talk to those in Carlito’s office without us, they knew what they were doing.”

“Yeah, well,” Carmine says, “I wish they’d let us in on it.”

“This isn’t the time or place,” Shane says and claps a hand on our eldest brother’s shoulder. “We’re here to celebrate. Go dance with your bride. I’m going to find my smokin’ hot fiancée and take her for a spin around the dance floor myself. Did you see how hot she looks today?”

Carmine and I smile as Shane hurries off to find Ivie.

“She’s good for him,” I say, watching as our brother takes Ivie’s hand, kisses it, and then pulls her onto the dance floor. “She makes him happy.”

“She does.” Carmine nods and then glances to our left, motioning with his head. “She seems to frustrate you.”

I follow his gaze and sigh when my eyes land on Annika. My gut churns, the way it always does whenever I see the woman I’ve loved for almost a decade.

“She does more than that,” I murmur and sip my champagne. “I want to kiss the fuck out of her and take her over my damn knee.”

Carmine laughs and taps his glass to mine. “That’s a woman for you. I think I’ll follow our brother’s lead and go find my wife.”

His grin flashes over his face.

“My wife.”

“You went and chained yourself to a dame for the rest of your life.”

“Hell, yes. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant I could marry

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