Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,47

and we hustle out of the chopper and hurry over to the waiting plane.

When I climb the stairs and duck inside, I’m shocked to find Carmine, Nadia, and Annika already seated.

“Oh, my God. What are you doing here?”

“Rafe seems to think I’m in danger,” she says as I cross the space and sit next to her. Rafe, who’s just come in behind me, scowls at my best friend.

“You are in danger,” he says. “She was taken from your clinic. She’s your best friend. I don’t need one of these assholes coming in to try and get information from you. You’re coming with us, where we can keep you safe.”

Annika blows out a breath, rolls her eyes, and turns to me.

“See what I’ve been dealing with? And that was all over the phone. Now that he’s here in person, he’ll just glare at me all day.”

I feel my eyes fill with tears. I didn’t know until this moment how badly I needed my best friends.

Nadia sits on my other side and takes my hand, and I lay my head on Annika’s shoulder.

The tears come now. Big, hot tears that I’ve been holding inside. They just burst out of me, and all I can do is hang onto my friends for dear life.

They know me, inside and out. They know everything.

And they love me.

When the tears have dried up, and all I can do is sit and rest, someone offers me a glass of water.

“Remember Charles?” Shane says from across the aisle, watching me with sober brown eyes.

“You need some water, miss,” Charles says. “And I’m happy to bring you anything else you might need.”

“I could go for some pizza,” I mutter. “And chocolate ice cream.”

“We’ll make sure you get that when we get settled.” Nadia pats my arm.

“Can I offer you some cheese and crackers? Some fruit?” Charles asks.

“That would be nice.” I nod and sit up straight, pushing my hair back over my shoulders. “Sorry, everyone. The day just caught up to me.”

“No apologies necessary,” Carmine says. “You’ve had a hell of a day.”

“All I did was sit in a bunker and watch Shane and Curt—” I shake my head. “I didn’t do much.”

“You kept yourself safe,” Nadia says and kisses my cheek. “That’s a lot.”

“Your grandmother had a beautiful house,” I say three hours later after we’ve landed in Seattle and made our way to the mansion we’d be staying in for the foreseeable future. It’s a fortress of a house, which I would expect from the Martinellis.

A massive manor in the middle of manicured lawns with fountains and shrubberies. It was a bit intimidating when we drove up.

Then slipped over into ridiculously intimidating when we walked through the door. I’ve only seen tapestries in movies. The antiques are incredible. And yet, despite the grandeur of the home, it’s incredibly modern and comfortable.

“Gram liked nice things,” Shane says as he leads me on a tour through the home. “But she also liked to be comfortable, so she managed to keep it updated. The kitchen is less than five years old.”

I nod and then follow Shane up a flight of stairs.

“All of the bedrooms are on this floor. Eight of them altogether.”


He grins at me. “I know. It’s a lot. Our room is at the end, with the pond out back. You can see where our treehouse is, and the view is especially pretty in the morning.”

I don’t say much when he opens the door, and I follow him in. The bed looks comfortable. And expensive.

The attached bathroom boasts a tub big enough to swim in.

I’ll be more than comfortable here.

“This is great. Thank you.”

“Okay, I’ve had it.” He closes the door and pulls me into his arms, holding me tightly. “You’re quiet, your eyes are haunted, and you’re scaring me. What are you thinking?”

I want to cry again. “I don’t know. It’s just a lot, you know?”

“I know.” He kisses my head. “I’m so sorry, babe. This is a safe place.”

“We thought the ranch was safe.” I swallow hard and back out of his arms. “I think I should look at going out on my own.”

His eyes flash, and he starts to shake his head, but I hold up a hand.

“Hear me out. They’re finding me because they know I’m with you. With the Martinellis and the Tarenkovs. They’ll keep tracking down you and your family, Annika, to find me. That’s not fair to anyone, Shane. It’s not right.”


“I’ve disappeared before,” I remind him. “And I was a lot

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