Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,29

leans over the center console.

Her hands dive for my jeans.

“Here?” My voice is high and breaks as if I’m a fifteen-year-old kid.

“Here.” But she doesn’t climb on top of me, she takes my cock in her hand, jacks me twice, and then sinks that sweet mouth of hers over the head. I’m immediately lost to her.

“Fucking hell, Ivie.”

The woman is a master with her mouth and with her hands.

I push the seat back so she has more room, and so I can lean back a bit and enjoy the ride. She never fails to surprise me. And just now, as she cups my balls and sucks gently, I see stars.

“Jesus.” It’s a prayer and a curse, and before I can stop myself, I’m coming. I watch as Ivie laps up every drop, then sits back, buckles her belt, and wipes her mouth.

“Well, that was fun.”

I bark out a laugh as I tuck myself away. “What did I do to deserve that?”

“You’re taking me for a drive,” she says simply. “And I appreciate it.”

“You’re easy to please, sweetheart.”

“Not really.” She shrugs as I put the vehicle in gear and start once more toward town. “But you’re irresistible.”

My eyes narrow into slits as we get closer to town. I survey the streets, looking for anything out of place, but it looks the same as it always does. Like it’s something out of the Old West.

“Wow, it’s like a time capsule,” she says, echoing my thoughts.

“It was a booming gold town about a hundred years ago,” I inform her. “When it seemed that most of the gold had been mined, people left to find other claims. Some stayed. There’s always been working mines here, but it slowed down considerably. The downtown area looks pretty much the same as it did back in the old days. The buildings have withstood the test of time.”

“It’s very cool,” she says. “I’d love to wander around and take it all in.”

“Another time. I promise. Today, I’m anxious to grab lunch and get back to the ranch.”

“I understand.” I glance over when she lays her hand on my arm. “Honest, I do.”

“Good.” I park right in front of the deli. “Lock these doors. Do you have your weapon?”

“Of course.”

“Keep it handy. Keep your eyes open. Don’t look at your phone or fall asleep.”

“You’ll be gone for all of thirty seconds,” she reminds me.

“Sometimes, that’s all it takes.” I lean over and kiss her cheek. “Do as I say.”

“Yes, sir.”

I hop out of the car and nod in satisfaction when I hear the snick of the locks. Ivie isn’t careless, and I know she’ll do as I ask.

“Well, good morning, handsome.”

Mrs. Ullrich is sixty-five if she’s a day, and she’s a hopeless flirt. She’s also been married for forty-seven years and has eight children, some of whom are my age.

“Hey there, Mrs. Ullrich. Do you have those sandwiches for me?”

“Right here.” She fetches a brown paper bag from a shelf. “I added it to your tab.”

“Thanks. Appreciate it.” I toss a five-dollar bill into the tip jar and turn to leave. “Have a good day, ma’am.”

“You, too, you handsome devil,” she calls after me, making me grin.

I haven’t exactly become a member of the community. I’m not one to attend town hall meetings and get acquainted with my neighbors.

But there’s value in knowing who’s here, who I should watch out for, and letting the community know that I’m not someone to be wary of.

I’m an outsider. I know that. But I keep to myself, and I don’t make trouble. In return, the townspeople have been cordial, and I trust that I’m safe here.

Which is more important now than ever before.

When I walk out of the deli, I feel my blood fucking boil.

“In the car,” I bark to Ivie, who’s standing on the sidewalk, covered in puppies. “Now.”

She smiles at the teenager who’s walking them, gives one a kiss on the head, and then climbs in next to me.

“Don’t yell at me, Shane. They’re puppies.”

“I don’t care if they were the cutest puppies on the planet—”

“Which they were.”

“I told you to stay put. What if there had been a sniper in one of these buildings?”

She stares at me as I pull onto the road and head back toward home.

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“No, I’m not.”

“There are no snipers.”

“That you know of.”

“For God’s sake, Shane, I was out of the car for less than fifteen seconds. I wanted to pet a puppy.”

“Fifteen seconds is all they need. Trust me. We won’t be leaving

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