Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,25

close to mine, and our bodies twined together, he slowly slips inside me, filling me completely.

“Christ,” he mutters, his voice hoarse. “Christ, Ivie.”

I stroke his back, his hand slipping beneath me to cup my ass as he begins to move. He does so slowly at first and then with vigor, the push and pull driving us both over that cliff and into the abyss beyond.

When the room quiets, and we’re tangled together, both catching our breath, I smile and drag my foot up his calf. “I’ve been waiting for that for months. I didn’t think you’d ever want to do me.”

He snorts. “You have such a fun way with words.” He turns his head to press a kiss to my cheek. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. It’s unexpected and not typical for me, but the learning-you parts, the foreplay as you put it, has been as fun as the sex itself. And given that I can’t feel my legs and am eighty-percent sure I had a stroke when I came, that’s saying something.”

I can’t help the giggle that comes out of me, and I drag my fingertips down his cheek.

I’m in love with him. I’ve been falling for weeks. Every time he called me, each time we flirted during a meal or just exchanged looks from across a room, led to this.

Shane Martinelli is everything I’ve ever hoped to find in a man. Not because he completes me or anything cliché like that, but because he’s simply…him. I know he thinks we can’t have anything permanent because of his dangerous job.

But maybe he’ll come around. Perhaps he’ll see how good we are together and change his mind.

I can’t sleep. I’ve never had insomnia issues before, and after a rigorous afternoon of sex, some delicious food, and even more sex, you’d think I’d be comatose.

Shane’s sleeping soundly next to me, his breaths even as the light of the moon filters through the window.

I envy him. I’m restless, so rather than toss and turn next to him, potentially waking him, I slip from the bed and wrap up in one of his flannel shirts. I’m able to get out the door without a sound and decide I’d like to sit outside.

We’re headed solidly into fall, and evenings are cool here in the mountains, so I grab a blanket off the couch on my way to the back door.

It’s a clear night. With no light noise from any city, it’s dark, aside from the light of the moon, and I can see more stars than I ever have in my life.

If I’m not mistaken, I can see Venus. I bundle the blanket around me and take a long, deep breath of crisp, fresh air.

I see why Shane loves it out here. The air is clean, and no one’s around.

I would never have thought I’d enjoy the quiet like this, but it’s peaceful.

A coyote howls in the distance. A light breeze blows through, rustling the bushes beside the back porch.

I can see Curt’s little cabin off in the distance. The lights are on, and there’s a small trail of smoke coming from a chimney. I can’t help but wonder what kind of horrors that man has seen in his life to make him want to exile himself out here with no interaction with anyone except Shane. Did the two of them serve together? Did they see the same horrors? Neither seems eager to discuss it.

But I’m nosy, and I’m curious.

An owl—at least, I think it’s an owl—flies overhead, making me smile. It may be quiet, but it’s not boring out here, even at night.

I don’t know exactly what has me so restless tonight. “I’m just silly.”

“Hoo. Hoo.”

I glance up. Yep, it’s an owl.

“I am,” I reply with a smile. “I should be fast asleep, and you should be out hunting for your breakfast.”

“Hoo. Hoo.”


Suddenly, there’s a commotion behind me, and Shane comes running out the back door, yelling my name.

“Ivie! Ivie!”

“Hey, I’m right here.” I stand, letting the blanket fall. “Shane, I’m right here.”

He’s panting and out of breath as his chin falls to his chest in relief, and then he takes my shoulders in his hands. “Don’t ever fucking do that again.”

“Do what? I couldn’t sleep so I came out to look at the stars.”

“You can’t just leave while I’m asleep and not tell me where you’re going.”

“Yes. I can.”

He shakes his head and paces away from me as if he’s completely frustrated. “No, Ivie. There are people out there looking for

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