Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,94

comes losses. But all the men who have ever hurt her will pay and it’ll be with my bare hands in the hopes I’ll someday hold her again.





Second chances for love don't come around very often. Not the superficial kind that feeds a surface-level need and then dies out. I'm talking about pure, undeniable, self-sacrificing love where both people are willing to give everything they have for the other's well-being.

I had that love once. It was a slow burn that took years to develop and grew over time. But her candle blew out, and I didn't think anything that deep was in the cards for me ever again.

Then I met Julieta.

She stole my breath when I laid eyes on her the first time.

Her courage under fire gave bravery a new meaning.

The way she would look at me, touch me, or confide in me...well, it made me feel like a man again.

Our love didn't take years to develop. It was the equivalent of someone taking a match and striking a box, and the flame only grew hotter with each passing moment. A few days of being around her, and the desire my body and soul felt for her cycloned so fast out of control, there was only one action to take. I needed to make her mine. And I did.

We both had baggage, and it shaped us. It formed the walls we put up and the barriers that should have kept us apart. But we plowed through anything standing in our way. Because when you have something so raw, so real, so potent, nothing else matters. And we made our possession of the other clear. She wasn't just mine. I was hers. There was no going back. Not that either of us wanted to.

I thought we were in the clear. That the evil was behind us and new life was the only thing in front of us. But that's the thing about the devil. He knows how to sneak up on you the minute you let your guard down.

Every day I survive is another day I curse myself. It's my fault for not protecting her. I should have seen it coming, and I didn't. The writing was on the wall, and I let my obsession for her get in the way of watching out for her. I was distracted. And we've now both paid the price.

The first night they captured us, I fought for our lives. I almost wished they would have killed us both instead of making us be spectators in the other's punishment.

Then she put everything on the line for me. I pleaded for her not to. She wouldn't listen to me, and it shredded my heart, one rip at a time, and more painful than the beatings I took.

I should have known she wouldn't have listened. When love is real, there's nothing you won't do for the other person. No amount of begging can stop the impossible, even if you can see the train coming at you.

When the chance came to make a deal with the devil, I did it. It gave her freedom. It was the only way to make sure she could still have a life.

They say love is blind, but it's not. It's bright as the burning sun. When faced with a decision, there aren't any choices to make. The only thing you can see is the dazzling whiteness.

She is my light. And I would make the same decision, again and again, to know she's safe and can go forward, even if it's without me.

But I would give anything for one more moment with her.

So when I step in the ring, and it's time to make good on my deal, I always do it for her. Hope lies in my heart. Somehow, someday, I will figure out how to not only survive in this pit of sin but escape it.

I will rise up out of the ashes for one reason. Her.



Three page-turning, interconnected stand-alone romance novels with HEA’s!! Get ready to fall in love with the characters. Billionaires. Professional athletes. New York City. Twist, turns, and danger lurking everywhere. The only option for these couples is to go ALL IN...with a little help from their friends. EXTRA STEAM INCLUDED!



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More by Maggie Cole

Mafia Wars - A Dark Mafia Series (Series Five)

Ruthless Stranger (Maksim’s story) - Book One

Broken Fighter (Boris’s story) - Book Two

Cruel Enforcer (Sergey’s story) - Book Three

Vicious Protector (Adrian’s story) - Book Four

Behind Closed Doors (Series Four - Former Military Now International Rescue Alpha Studs)

Depths of Destruction - Book One

Marks of Rebellion - Book Two

Haze of Obedience - Book Three

Cavern of Silence - Book Four

Stains of Desire - Book Five

Risks of Temptation - Book Six

Together We Stand Series (Series Three - Family Saga)

Kiss of Redemption- Book One

Sins of Justice - Book Two

Acts of Manipulation - Book Three

Web of Betrayal - Book Four

Masks of Devotion - Book Five

Roots of Vengeance - Book Six

It’s Complicated Series (Series Two - Chicago Billionaires)

Crossing the Line - Book One

Don’t Forget Me - Book Two

Committed to You - Book Three

More Than Paper - Book Four

Sins of the Father - Book Five

Wrapped In Perfection - Book Six

All In Series (Series One - New York Billionaires)

The Rule - Book One

The Secret - Book Two

The Crime - Book Three

The Lie - Book Four

The Trap - Book Five

The Gamble - Book Six

Stand Alone Christmas Novella

Judge Me Not

About the Author

Amazon Bestselling Author

Maggie Cole is committed to bringing her readers alphalicious book boyfriends. She's been called the "literary master of steamy romance." Her books are full of raw emotion, suspense, and will always keep you wanting more. She is a masterful storyteller of contemporary romance and loves writing about broken people who rise above the ashes.

She lives in Florida near the Gulf of Mexico with her husband, son, and dog. She loves sunshine, wine, and hanging out with friends.

Her current series were written in the order below:

All In (Stand alones with entwined characters)

It's Complicated (Stand alones with entwined characters)

Together We Stand (Brooks Family Saga - read in order)

Behind Closed Doors (Read in order)

Mafia Wars (Coming April 1st 2021)

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