Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,51

until I’d come twice more. Only when I knew nothing other than his cock would satisfy me did I tell him I’d had enough.

Being in his arms felt so right. It was like I was finally where I belonged. Now that Hawk was mine, and I was his, I refused to let anything come between us. I hoped they found the person who’d tampered with my car and put an end to it all. I was tired of people doing stupid things, tired of feeling like I needed to have eyes in the back of my head. All I wanted was to have my happily-ever-after. That wasn’t too much to ask, was it? I might not be a princess, but Hawk was still my Prince Charming.

Just with biker boots and a dirty mouth.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapter Nine


Beast had called the officers into Church, along with Chief Daniels. He’d put Torch on speaker so we could all hear what the other club’s President had discovered so far. Shield hadn’t had much luck with the tracking device. It seemed to be the sort anyone could purchase if they knew where to go and was too common to trace it back to a shop. Which left us with trying to figure out why the drugs had been placed in Hayley’s car, and who had done it.

“I talked to James Gilbert,” Torch said. “The man Hayley tried to remember is Seb Martin.”

“What the fuck kind of name is Seb?” I asked.

“A made-up one,” Torch said. “From what Wire and Lavender have dug up, the man was on the run and changed his name four times. We think the drugs in Hayley’s car are from a batch that was stolen from the Bartinelli Family about a year ago.”

“Again I say… what the fuck?” I looked around the table, seeing the same confusion on everyone’s face that I was feeling. “So this guy stole the drugs from the Bartinellis and hid them in Hayley’s car because…”

“Opportunity,” Torch said. “We assume at any rate. We can’t find the guy. He’s vanished.”

“Thought Wire was the best,” I said.

Beast shot me a look that clearly said shut the fuck up. I shrugged my shoulder.

“He is,” Venom said, joining the conversation. “All the officers are present, by the way.”

“Same here,” Beast said. “As well as Chief Daniels.”

“Wire said Seb dropped off the grid. Didn’t even clean out his bank account. If he’s using another ID, he must have bought a much better one than all the others. Personally, I think it’s more likely the Bartinellis caught up to him and he’s in a shallow grave somewhere,” Tank said.

“Can you see if there’s movement in their organization?” Forge asked. “Are they mobilizing or possibly heading this way? If they want their drugs, they’ll be coming for Hayley. If Seb was smart, he’d have sent them after her to deflect attention from himself.”

“So we give them the drugs,” Beast said.

Chief Daniels growled. “You’re just going to give drugs to a known crime family? You know they’ll end up in the hands of children. People will die. Do you want that on your conscience? Or do you just not have one?”

Ouch. I waited to see what the Pres would do. On the one hand, he didn’t need the chief making him look bad. On the other… Well, I knew Beast didn’t want kids to get those drugs either, but Hayley was family now and he’d do anything to protect her.

“I didn’t say we’d let them keep the drugs, fucker.” Beast glared at the chief. “We hand them over, and when they’re outside our territory, we arrange for a little accident. But we need to wait until they’re far enough away they won’t tie it back to us. The last thing we need is them coming for Hayley again. The entire point is to make sure she and Freya are off their radar.”

The chief’s shoulders sagged. “You’re right. Sorry. Do whatever you have to. Hayley is what’s important right now. If those drugs end up on the streets, we’ll just have to work hard to round them up.”

“All right, so the plan for now is to let the Bartinellis know we ran across their missing drugs, and they’re welcome to them. I want the drop away from the clubhouse,” Beast said. “I’m not putting our women and kids in danger.”

“I’m sure you’ve already thought of this, but in regards to the tracker, could it have been that asshole who’d been

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