Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,34

the doctor said they would probably shrink.

I knew I had dark shadows under my eyes, and enough luggage for a family of twelve. My hair wasn’t quite as glossy as before, and I often didn’t even remember to brush it. I felt worn down and very unsexy. I knew Hawk had to have women throwing themselves at him. Was he already with someone else?

Oh, God.

Had he been with someone since the night we’d been together? Or several women? I knew it hadn’t been his first time. Far from it. And we weren’t exactly a couple. There would have been no reason for him to abstain from sex. My heart rate spiked as fear and jealousy swirled inside me. I didn’t like the idea of other women touching him. Kissing him. The thought of him being intimate with other women made my stomach churn.

“I’m going to be sick.” I thrust Freya into Hawk’s arms and ran for the bathroom. I hit my knees and threw up in the toilet, extremely thankful there didn’t seem to be pee on the bowl or the floor. Either Hawk had great aim, cleaned up after himself, or didn’t use this bathroom. Whatever the case, I was glad it wasn’t dirty.

I dry-heaved when I had nothing left in my stomach. Tears streaked my cheeks and snot ran from my nose. I cried and curled up on the floor in front of the sink.

Hawk knelt by my side, pushing my hair back from my face. I didn’t know where he’d put Freya, but he wasn’t holding her. “Hayley, baby, what’s wrong?”

I just shook my head. I couldn’t talk to him, not about this. I didn’t want to come across as an insecure little girl, even if it was how I felt. He was older than me and probably dated more sophisticated women than me. Maybe I really had wrecked his life by telling him about Freya. He said he wanted to be part of our lives, but he could have done that without us living here. He didn’t have to “claim” me to be a father to our daughter.

Viking stopped in the doorway. “Your daughter is fastened back in her seat. I’m going to finish unloading the truck, then I’ll take my food to go. I think the two of you need some time alone. I won’t head out tomorrow without saying bye first. Also, I think Cuddles is ready for a jailbreak.”

Hawk ran his fingers through my hair, patiently waiting for me to either say something or get up. I finally pushed myself upright and reached for some tissue to blow my nose. Well, he’d definitely seen me at my worst now and he wasn’t running away. That had to mean something, right?

“I’m going to find the bedding for the crib and put Freya to bed. Then you and I are going to eat some dinner and talk,” Hawk said.

“All right.” My voice came out scratchy from all the crying and throwing up. I winced at how horrible I sounded. Standing up, I rinsed my mouth in the sink and tried to clean myself up a little. I went to get my toothbrush and toothpaste, needing to scrub my mouth clean. Afterward, I felt a little better. Or at least less gross.

I went to the kitchen and pulled the remaining food from the sacks, setting it down on the table. They’d included chopsticks, but I didn’t know if Hawk ate with them or not. I decided to get forks for both of us, but it took a few tries to find the right drawer. By the time the table was set, Hawk was walking into the room and Freya was surprisingly quiet.

My hands shook and I fisted them together, hoping he wouldn’t notice. I’d thought of him every day since that first night. In my dreams, I’d been back in his arms. Even before I’d known I was pregnant, I’d wanted to be with him again. Even considering he might not feel the same, that he might have another woman, made my emotions fly all over the place. I wanted to hit something and cry. Scream. And it felt like I might break. Hormones were a bitch.

He put two bottles of water on the table before taking a seat, then nudged a chair out with his foot. I took the hint and sat down. I didn’t have much of an appetite anymore, but knew I needed to eat. Since I was nursing Freya, I had to

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