Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,30

police. I could see him doing something like that. He seemed like the sort who required everything to go his way, at least where his kids were concerned.

“Your dad sounds like a dick.”

She snickered. “He can be sometimes. Then again, not many people tell him no or don’t give him exactly what he wants. Perks of his job, I guess.”

I tried not to flinch at her words, but would one of those things be my head on a silver platter? If I’d known she was a cop’s kid, I might have kept my distance. Yeah, probably something I should have known before I fucked her. Jesus. No wonder she hadn’t told her family who I was. If the man hated me for knocking up his daughter, he’d probably hate me twice as much when he learned I was a biker. The cops and bikers didn’t exactly mix.

He’d been thankful for my help when I caught her stalker. Didn’t mean he would welcome me into the family with open arms. More like with a shotgun and a freshly dug grave.

“You ready for some help?” I asked. “Because I’m here, and I’m not walking away from the two of you.”

Cuddles chittered again, waving a paw at me.

“Make that three of you.”

“I’m ready, Hawk. I just didn’t want to saddle you with a baby you hadn’t asked for. But if you want to be part of Freya’s life, I’m not going to stand in your way.”

I nodded. “We need to pack up your stuff. Ready to move to Tennessee?”

She blinked at me. “Tennessee?”

“That’s where I live, Hayley. I have plenty of room at my house to set up a nursery for Freya.” I reached over and placed my hand on her thigh. “And plenty of room in my bed for her mom. I’m not walking away this time. You’re mine and so is she.”

“And Cuddles?”

“Cuddles can come too. I’d never make you give him up. Besides, if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have met.”

She seemed antsy, her fingers twisting in her lap and her body tensing. What had I said now? She licked her lips and couldn’t seem to look me in the eye.

“What exactly does that mean?” she asked. “To be yours. I don’t want any misunderstandings between us.”

My dick had been had half-mast since I’d seen her tonight. What did it mean to be mine? I wanted her as my old lady, in my bed, a part of my life. I wanted everything. That’s what it meant.

I blew out a breath and went over the basics with her, since I didn’t think she’d been around the Dixie Reapers enough to understand what it would be like to be part of the club. When I mentioned being my old lady, I waited for her to have a fit at any moment and refuse to leave with me. Surprisingly, she took it all rather well. Now I just needed to let the club know I needed a property cut. I was taking my family home.

Since the Pres had dragged me here, and seemed to already know about Freya, I wouldn’t be taking it to a vote. They were mine, and any fucker who said otherwise would be swallowing his teeth.

Chapter Six


Tennessee. I was in another state, far from my family, and I was completely alone. All right. Not entirely. I had Hawk. And Cuddles.

He’d traveled surprisingly well and hadn’t tried to run off whenever I’d stopped to give him bathroom breaks. I’d worried he’d slip his leash and I’d lose him on the way to our new home. Hawk had been great about helping with both Cuddles and Freya.

Freya had been fussy the entire way here, and I’d had to pull over frequently. Hawk hadn’t seemed to mind. At least, he hadn’t looked pissed off. He’d led the way, with the understanding I’d flash my lights if I needed to stop. He probably hadn’t realized I’d be getting off the highway once an hour. It had taken forever to get here, and I ached from head to toe. Not to mention the headache from hell because of Freya’s screaming.

Torch had asked for a volunteer to drive one of their trucks here with the rest of my belongings. I’d fit what I could into my car. Mainly Cuddles, Freya, and anything we’d need immediately. Everything else had gone into the back of a truck and Viking had driven it here for me. I heard him talking to Hawk while they set up Freya’s

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