Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,28

acted like I was a stranger when her dad had introduced us?

“Freya is special,” Viking said. “And so is her mom.”

I nodded. Couldn’t disagree about Hayley. And since Freya was Hayley’s kid, the baby was probably as awesome as her mother. All the screaming aside.

“You’re a lucky bastard,” I said. “Hayley’s one of a kind.”

Viking folded his arms over his chest. “Odd thing to say for a man who took her innocence, then left without giving her another thought. You may have caught her stalker, but when she needed help again, where were you? I know Preacher called and told you she was in trouble. I’d think if she were so special, you’d have wanted to spend more time with her. Not fuck and run.”

My hands fisted at my sides, and I fought not to take a swing at the prick. I might be the VP of another club, but I was at Torch’s house. I wouldn’t disrespect a member of his club, no matter how much I wanted to put him in his place.

“She didn’t come back before I left,” I pointed out. “It wasn’t like I knew where to find her, but she damn sure knew where I was. I figured she didn’t want more from me. When I did come back and saw her again, she acted like we had never met. It was clear she’d moved on. I’m guessing she’d hooked up with you by then.”

Viking shook his head, his lips twisting as he muttered under his breath. “You’re both quite the pair. She’s scared shitless you didn’t want her, terrified what you’ll do when you…”

He stopped and stared up at the sky.

“When I what?”

Beast and Torch came over, flanking me. I thought they were here to either put me in my place where Viking was concerned, or back me up. It never occurred to me they wanted to make sure I wouldn’t lose my shit, or run away like a little bitch.

“When you find out you have a kid, and your woman is too fucking scared to tell you because she thinks you’ll hate her,” Torch said.

What. The. Fuck. “I don’t understand.”

“I think you do,” Beast said. “Freya isn’t Viking’s daughter. She’s yours.”

My vision tunneled and I heard my heartbeat in my ears. It felt like the world went away for a moment. The words played on repeat in my mind. I had a daughter. With Hayley. And she hadn’t told me? She was scared of me?

Fuck! What had I done to make her think I would hurt her? Or our kid? Shit. This was seriously fucked-up, and I didn’t know how to fix it. But I now understood why Beast had insisted I come with him. Why hadn’t she said something before now? I didn’t know how old Freya was, but had she known when I’d been here the last time?

Beast gripped my arm, holding me upright. “Easy, brother. She thought she was doing the right thing. Didn’t think you wanted a kid, or her. She didn’t want to track you down and saddle you with a responsibility you never asked for.”

I ran a hand down my face and shrugged off the Pres. “I’m fine. I just… What the fuck is she doing with Viking?”

“Your girls needed a place to say,” the giant blond said. “Hayley lost her job and her apartment. I’m just being a good friend, letting them have someplace safe to stay while your Pres got you here. We were hoping you’d pull your head out of your ass.”

I had a kid? With Hayley?

I tried to think back to that night. What had I said or done that made her think I’d throw the two of them away? All I’d thought about since then had been her. I’d wanted her with me, hoped she’d reach out. It wasn’t like I’d known how to reach her. And maybe I’d been a chickenshit and hadn’t wanted to put myself out there. No one liked being rejected. In hindsight, I could have maybe asked Preacher if he knew how to get in touch with her. But I’d thought she hadn’t wanted anything to do with me. It never occurred to me she was keeping her distance because she’d found out she was pregnant and thought I wouldn’t want either of them.

“Go talk to her,” Torch said. “But don’t stress her out. She’s been puking her guts up since she found out you were coming. It’s not good for her, or for Freya.”

“Freya,” I murmured,

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