Hawk (Reckless Kings MC #2) - Harley Wylde Page 0,16

For that matter, he sometimes managed to yank the leash from my hands, and Cuddles moved pretty fast for a fat raccoon. If anyone put two and two together, they’d realize the father of my baby was a biker. He just wasn’t part of this club.

Since I knew he’d been here at least twice, it meant he was possibly well-known. If I said the name Hawk, would Venom know who I meant? I didn’t think I wanted to take the chance. I didn’t know if Venom would tell him, or if he’d care either way. Worst case, he’d be pissed I lied to the man.

“I don’t know what to do. I should have planned for something like this. It wasn’t like I could live at home forever, especially now that I’ll be a mom. But with the stalker situation, I didn’t really have time to hunt for a job, and who’s going to hire me when I’ll be having a baby before too long? Some of my parents’ friends have let me do odd jobs for them, like clean their house or run errands, but that isn’t going to support a baby.”

Venom drummed his fingers on the table. “What skills do you have?”

“I know how to use a computer. I’m good with social media. If I needed to, I could file stuff or maybe greet customers. I don’t have any experience waitressing or anything like that. Do you know of a job opening?” I asked.

“Maybe. Enjoy your tea with Mariah. I’ll make some calls and come back in a bit.” Venom reached over to pat my shoulder. “Try not to stress too much, Hayley. It’s not good for the baby.”

Mariah’s lips twisted as she watched him walk away. “Wish he’d been that supportive of his own kids.”

My mouth dropped open. “What the hell, Mariah? Your dad is awesome.”

“I know. It’s just that there’s this guy who likes me and my dad would freak if I tried to date him.” She cut her eyes my way. “It’s a cop. Tyson Clarke.”

“You like Officer Clarke?” I asked. I couldn’t help but smile. I could see the two of them together. The guy was protective to a fault, and from what I’d seen of his interactions with people, he seemed really kind. Mariah could do worse.

“I see him at the coffee shop sometimes,” she admitted. “He always flirts with me. But I know my dad wouldn’t like me dating someone like him.”

She meant someone in law enforcement. It seemed we were on opposite sides of the fence, but we had the same problem. We both liked someone our dads wouldn’t tolerate. What a mess. If only I could have fallen for Officer Clarke and she could have been with Hawk. Things would be different then.

Mariah leaned in closer and lowered her voice. “The guy… he didn’t hurt you, did he? It was… consensual?”

“He didn’t do anything I didn’t want him to,” I said. “But I lied to him, Mariah. I told him he didn’t have to worry about a baby. I made it seem like I was on birth control, except I wasn’t.”

“We’ll figure everything out,” she promised. “And I’m sure my dad would let you stay here a few days if you need to.”

I heard Venom’s booted steps before he entered the room again. “Won’t be necessary. I think I’ve got a place for you, if you agree to work for James Gilbert. He needs some office help at the garage and said he’d include a studio apartment as part of your wages.”

I got up and hugged Venom. “Thank you!”

He patted my back before putting some distance between us. Mariah giggled as she eyed her dad, and I realized I’d made the big man uncomfortable. I’d heard he’d been something of a ladies’ man back before meeting Mariah’s mom. It seemed she’d reformed him. It made me wonder if Hawk would ever find the woman who’d make him want to settle down and have a family. My heart ached, knowing it wouldn’t be me.

I still couldn’t believe he’d helped catch the man who’d been stalking me. I’d never gotten the courage to ask anyone why he’d been in town. The last thing I needed to do was draw attention to the fact I’d known him. They would think it odd I wanted to know so much about a man I’d just met, and Preacher might remember I’d been with Hawk before.

“I’ll give you the address,” Venom said. “He wants to see you

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