Hawk & the Lady - Elizabeth Stevens Page 0,23

her to have.

“Yes, dear. He works for my husband. Just give me a moment to find it.”

That seemed fair enough and I had other things on my mind so I didn’t question it further.

I found myself nibbling on my nail as I waited. I didn’t think I was rethinking my plan. I was maybe just a bit nervous about calling Patrick seemingly out of the blue. I’d felt good about the whole serendipitous feel of it, and had the feeling he did too. But I was also very into the idea of seeing him again, and this seemed like a good excuse. A different kind of serendipity, as it were.

“And how are you, dear?” Mrs Fortescue asked.


“Your kids are behaving?”

“As well as they ever do.”

“Ah, the prerogative of youth. Here it is. Have you got something to take it down with?”

I hastily found a pen. “Yep. Go for it.”

Mrs Fortescue read out a number, I copied it down, then dutifully read it back to her. Once she was happy I had the right number, I was allowed to go.

I didn’t call it right away.

I had every intention to, but it was already quarter to six and, if it was his work number, then he was quite possibly not in the office anymore. So, it seemed like a good plan to wait.

I probably didn’t have to wait the three days it took me to call him, though.



“Grace Grayson Security, this is Patrick,” I said, running my eyes over my calendar again.

“Patrick, this is Leah Carmichael.”

I was suddenly paying very close attention. “Leah. Nice to hear from you.”

“When you said you were in security, I honestly didn’t expect you were that Grace.”

“Well, we’re very discreet.”

“So, I’ve heard. Lucky Mrs Fortescue.”

I barely held in a laugh. “Mrs Fortescue gave you my number I presume?”

“She did. I hope that’s all right.”

“It would very much depend on the nature of the call. We have a strict fraternisation policy.”

“Oh, I’ve heard that as well.” I heard the humour in her voice and wished I could see the smile. “A three round minimum was the latest on the rumour mill.”

“Were that true…” It wasn’t, “would I owe you two more?”

“I’m actually not calling about business.”

Thank fuck. “No? Then to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I…had a deal of sorts I wanted to float by you. I didn’t know if you were free for lunch?”

I wasn’t just paying close attention now; I was definitely intrigued. What kind of deal would Leah Carmichael have to offer little old me? Just at that moment, I couldn’t remember needing to know an answer to a question more than I needed the answer to that one.

“A deal, you say?” I mused. “I can be free for lunch, but I draw the line at public nudity.” At least on a second meeting.

“Good to know, lets me plan ahead. How does one suit you? Say, Bernelli’s?”

My eyes swung to the clock on my laptop as I nodded. “One at Bernelli’s. I’ll see you there.”

“Brilliant. Thanks.”

And, with that, she was gone.

“Gotta admire a woman who doesn’t make a phone call linger,” I said to myself.

“Brilliant. Thanks,” came Rollie’s high-pitched teasing and I looked up to see him in my doorway.

“Fuck off,” I said, failing to hide my laugh.

He snorted as he came in and dropped into a chair. “Who was that?” He batted his eyelashes.

“None of your business.”

“Well, it wasn’t your sister…”

I blinked. No. It fucking wasn’t my sister. “Why would you have thought it was my sister?” I asked, standing up.

Rollie followed suit and continued following me out of the office. “Because you only talk to your sister like that.”

“Like what?” I asked as I paused in Chaos’ door.

“All smiles and shit.”

I rolled my eyes. “I can talk to other people.”

On the topic of my sister, I made a mental note to call her later. It’d been a while since we’d just talked and Leah’s idea of lunch made me feel like maybe I should make an effort and catch up with Bert properly.

“You talk to a lot of people. They usually just don’t make you smile and blush like a hormonal teenager.”

“As much as I want to hear about him being a hormonal teenager, is there a reason you guys are here?” Chaos interrupted.

“Just wanted to involve you in the convo, hey?” Rollie said with a grin.

“The one about hormonal teenage Hawk?” Chaos clarified, and I was certain he was reliving many a hormonal teenage Hawk moment.

I rolled my eyes, but Rollie nodded

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