Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,94

done here,” Victor says, cocking his head to the side. “You might wish you were dead though. Boys.”

“Alright, princess, are you deaf? The man said get out.” Hael grabs Ivy by the arm and yanks her from the blankets, dragging her toward the door.

“Am I still getting paid for tonight's session?” she asks, and Hael laughs, shoving her outside and then glancing over at me with his signature smirk in place. Hard to believe I had his dick in my mouth just a few hours prior, huh?

“And where's the reward in altruism, huh? Do you hear this bitch?”

“She's an anomaly,” I say, moving over to the door to stare Ivy down as she fumbles with Vaughn's keys and unlocks the doors to the Kia.

“Can I at least have my purse?” she snaps, turning around to face me. Maybe she thinks having me here makes her safer? It doesn't. I have no control over what the Havoc Boys do.

I grab the pink purse from the floor near the umbrella holder and move down the steps, shoving it against her chest, and refusing to let go until she looks me in the eye.

“If you tell a soul about what happened here tonight, you're next.” Ivy tries to take the purse from me, but I keep hold of it. “I mean it. I'll send Havoc after you, and you won't like what happens.”

“Okay, okay, I got it,” she says, her expression mollifying as she cringes away from me. Despite what Hael thinks, I do feel sorry for Ivy. She's always cared far too much what the world thinks about her, and she's so desperate for attention that she was probably easy pickings for Vaughn. As far as the money, of course she wants to be paid. She lives in a double-wide with her dad and three sisters. This could be rent she's losing out on. “Wait,” I say, just before she climbs in. I pound back up the stairs as Hael stares at me like I've lost my damn mind, and I find Vaughn's wallet in his discarded pants.

The boys have already started stripping him, but I don't look his way as I take the wallet and empty it of cash and credit cards, heading back outside and handing them over to Ivy. She stares at the wad of money for only half a second before she snatches it from me.

“Thank you,” she murmurs, and then she climbs in the car and gets the fuck out of there, spraying gravel in her haste.

“You are one, weird chick,” Hael murmurs, studying me as I come back up the steps and move across the broken door. He waits for me to pass, lifts it up, and sets it back in place as best he can.

“We'd make you get naked, like you do your girls, but nobody wants to see that,” Vic says, turning to look at Aaron who's now manning the camera. “Can you work that thing, or do you want to use our phones to film?”

“I've got it,” Aaron says, as Oscar moves over to stand in front of Principal Vaughn with a notebook and pen in his hand.

“I want you to write out your bad deeds, and then I want you to sign it,” Oscar tells him, waiting until Vaughn takes the items from his hand before moving away. “Oh, and don't skimp on the details. We'll know if you did.” Oscar pulls his gun out and sets it on the counter, playing around with the laptop again before he presses play on a video. A girl that I vaguely recognize from our school starts to strip on camera, and I look away.

“A confession signed under duress is useless in court, you know,” Vaughn says as the pen hovers over the page and his eyes dart around the room in fear, coming to land on mine. “What is your stepfather going to think of all this?”

“He'll probably just be disappointed he doesn't get to watch anymore of your illegal, underage porn videos,” I say, completely deadpan. That numbness inside of me is burning at the edges with a righteous rage. “Start your note with I'm sorry. More people need to learn how to say those words without gagging.” I nod my chin at him, and Aaron flinches. The words weren’t directed at my ex, but hell, they sure are poetic, aren’t they? “Do it.”

Callum stands beside our principal, one hand tight on the man's shoulder as he reads over the words. I take

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