Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,83

'gentleman' this time. “Bring your stuff for a sleepover tomorrow. If you need to make arrangements for your sister, Aaron's hiring a babysitter.”

Without responding, I slip out and head inside, slinking up the stairs before Mom can assault me on them, and then settle myself in to wait for Heather's bus. Luckily, the after-school program has one that brings her straight home.

Meanwhile, I have a moment to nibble on my lower lip and think about what just happened.

I just had sex with Hael Harbin.

I'm also certain I've just pissed Victor off.

It's going to be interesting, seeing what tomorrow brings …

The next morning, Hael picks me up just after Heather gets on the bus, smoking a cigarette out the window of the car. He eyes my leather pants and jacket as I climb in, and makes a sound of appreciation under his breath.

“Lookin' good this morning, Blackbird,” he tells me, starting the car and taking me just a few blocks away before he pulls into the driveway of a vacant house with a For Sale sign in the yard. After climbing out, Hael walks across the street and sticks something under the rear bumper of a white Kia Sportage.

“What the hell was that all about?” I ask, and he shrugs.

“Vic'll explain tonight,” he tells me, and then his eyes rove my body again. “You give a fuck about missing first period? Because I don't.”

“It's sort of like high school roulette,” I explain, shrugging one shoulder. “You know those automated calls they send out when you miss class? If my mom happens to answer one, she might tear me a new one. If not, all is rainbows and unicorn shit.”

Hael grins at me.

“Want to take a risk?” he asks, and I feel this heat creeping up into my chest. I swipe some pink-tinged blond hair behind an ear and shrug.

“Maybe at lunch?” I retort, acting like I know way more about this sort of shit than I really do. How many blow jobs have I given in my life? One? Two, maybe. But there's this challenge coupled with eagerness in Hael's face that I want to see through. I just can't risk missing anymore class, not when Pamela is still a threat. Sending Havoc after her is an option, but I was sort of saving her for last, after the Thing had been dealt with. I'm hoping that whatever the boys come up with, it neutralizes him as a threat.

I just want my sister safe, that's the only thing that matters.

“Lunch then,” Hael replies, stroking a thumb down the seam in his jeans and giving me a devilish sort of grin in response. “Meet me in front of the cafeteria.”

“Deal,” I say, leaning back against the door to study him. I swear, it still smells like sex and sweat in here. “But don't think I'm not expecting you to return the favor.”

“Oh, I see how it is,” Hael growls as he pulls us out of the driveway and starts off toward the school. I always know when we're headed in the direction of Prescott High because the houses get considerably less nice, smaller, and much closer together.

“Am I not allowed to ask for reciprocation?” I quip, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Ehh, on the contrary, I think that's how a Havoc Girl should sound,” Hael says, parking in his usual spot, right next to the dumpsters and just outside the perimeter fence. It's the exact same spot we fucked in yesterday. “But don't worry.” He leans over to take off my seat belt and puts his hot mouth right up against my ear. “I give as good as I get.”

Hael climbs out, leaving me to follow along behind him and around to the front of the school where we both endure the usual pat-downs, metal detectors, and rude inquiries intended to make us feel like fucking terrorists.

As soon as I get in the hall, I can feel it, his eyes on me.

“What?” I ask as Vic steps out of the shadows of one of the classrooms, and Hael freezes up. Maybe our having sex isn't as much the non-issue as he made it out to be? But Victor doesn't say a word, sweeping up the hall toward his first class and carrying a dark shadow with him that makes me shiver.

“Fuck me. We might be in trouble,” Hael murmurs, but then he just shakes it off and keeps going, leaving me to brave my English class alone.

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