Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,37

I find the Charter brothers along with the Ensbrook boys.

Guess Kali was right.

“This is such bullshit,” Aaron says, standing at the front of the group, like a vice president while Vic is away. Nobody's seen him since lunch, and it's freaking me out. “What do you care what happens to this bitch?”


Still weirds me out, hearing Aaron talk like a thug.

I pause in the half circle behind Aaron, casting a glance in Oscar's direction. Do these other guys know how fucking crazy Oscar is? I just saw him put a bullet through some random dude's leg. What else is he capable of, I wonder?

Oscar turns his gray eyes over to mine and smiles, an awful sort of smile that promises he's not afraid of violence. He rubs his tattooed fingers over his equally inked-up throat, and I shiver.

“Because we're dating, you piece of shit,” Mitch Charter, one of Billie's brothers, says. She's standing not too far behind him, and off to one side, her glare dark and accusatory. Guess she's pissed that we beat the snot out of her new beau.

“Are you also aware that she’s dating a boy from Oak Valley Prep?” Oscar interjects, but nobody responds to his accusation.

“Kali knows better than to fuck with Havoc,” Aaron says, and then he nods in Hael and Callum's direction. “Besides, we're going to give her a choice here.” Aaron turns back around, his face dark and cold and empty. He's had to learn to be that way, to protect his family. The world isn't fair. How fucked is it that such a sweet boy could be turned into this, just for the simple act of keeping those he loves safe? He leans down and looks into Kali's face. “Choice one, we post your porn all over the web, and we send links to your parents, your colleges of choice, and that modeling agency that asked you to do a catalog shoot.” He stands back up and frowns. “Or we break your hands. It'll hurt, but the physical pain might be easier to stomach than the emotional.”

“If you touch a hair on her head, we will end you, Fadler.” Kyler's brother, Danny, takes a step forward, nostrils flared. He's a big guy, too, wider than any of the Havoc Boys, with tree trunks for arms. And he looks pissed.

Heart racing, I run my tongue over my lip and take a second to figure the odds. Five of them, five of us. Not sure if the guys realized it or not after my little tussle with Oscar, but I’m not a throwaway, a tagalong for their little group to fuck and push aside. No, I know how to kick some serious ass, too.

“I can take Kyler,” I start, because I think pairing each of us with an opponent of comparable size would be best. Oscar gives me a look and then pushes his glasses up his nose with his middle finger, a signature move of his.

“Does Billie not count?” he asks, and I shrug.

“I beat the crap out of her last year without breaking a sweat; she doesn’t even factor into this.”

“You go straight to hell, you fucking whore,” Billie growls, tossing her teal and black hair over her shoulder. “We all knew you’d be spreading your legs for the Havoc crew sooner or later. But getting them to fight your battles for you in exchange for free pussy? Now that’s pathetic.”

There’s a moment there where I don’t think. I’ve trained myself not to. Instead, I just react. I go for Billie without thinking, that pesky fight or fight harder response kicking in. I’m going to beat her flat face into the fucking pavement, I tell myself, jerking to a stop as a hard, warm arm wraps my waist and knocks the air out of me.

“No fighting on school grounds,” Vic murmurs around a cigarette. It hangs loosely from his full lips, unlit and flopping around as he talks. “We hang our dirty laundry elsewhere.” He nods his chin in Hael and Callum’s direction. “Let the bitch go.”

“Seriously?” Hael snaps, his cheeks coloring with frustration. “This cocksucking idiot had the audacity to threaten our girl, and you’re going to let her walk?”

I might be aching for violence, growling low in my throat, but I don’t miss the words he says. Our girl. It’s surreal as hell, but I should’ve known that the Havoc Boys don’t play around. As soon as I said yes, it was on. It’s all on.

“Get lost, Kali,” Vic

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