Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,30

as the curtain closes, I breathe easy again, washing my body, shampooing my hair, and shaving my legs. Just before I'm about to climb out, Vic gets in with me, completely nude and staring down at me with that dark gaze of his.

My eyes drift down the muscular length of his body and find what they're looking for: the hard, perfect length of his cock. It's big, bigger than I expected, like here's a man who definitely isn't compensating for anything.

I look back up, and he smirks at me.

“I'd fuck you, if we didn't have an appointment,” he says, reaching right past me for the shampoo. His wet arm brushes against my shoulder, and I shiver. Victor pauses and withdraws his arm, pushing aside the shower curtain and holding out a hand. “Get out, Bernadette.” My gaze flicks down to his inked shaft one more time. “Like what you see?” he purrs, leaning in toward me and putting his forearm on the shower wall above my head.

My eyes lift back up to meet his.

“Aaron said I wouldn’t enjoy fucking you,” I tell him, and he lifts a single, dark brow, water running down the sides of his face. It's so hot in this bathroom, it's stifling, and it's not just from the steam of the shower.

No, there's a hell of a lot more going on in here than warm water and soap.

“Yeah?” Vic challenges as I struggle to keep my face neutral.

“I think he's wrong,” I retort, and then step out of the shower, closing the curtain behind me. Vic's dark chuckle follows me out as I towel-dry and dress in the proffered outfit. After a moment, I hear a very distinct sound coming from behind that curtain.

He's totally jacking-off.

My face heats up, and I snatch the heels off the back of the toilet, opening the door to find Ivy Hightower waiting, Hael standing behind her like an honor guard.

“Bernie,” she says, voice saccharine sweet, her dark hair tied up in a high pony, her makeup on point, her brows to die for. I hate the girl, but damn, she has some skills.

“Ivy,” I say, stepping out and pointedly closing the door behind me. Not only is the bastard touching himself, knowing that I was listening, but he also got me these awful lacy panties that are going to ride up my ass all day. Maybe that was the point?

There's a chair set up in the dining room area, the table laden with cosmetics. I settle in for the long haul and Ivy gets to work. Not two minutes in, and her obvious fear of Havoc fades away, allowing the gossip to spill from her pretty, painted lips in a wave.

“Billie and Kyler had this big thing at the mall this morning,” she starts, going to town cleaning up my brows with this little blue razor. “It was epic. They were screaming, and Billie was throwing things she hadn't even bought yet.”

“Fascinating,” Oscar murmurs, sighing and excusing himself to the backyard with his iPad in hand. He pauses just before heading out the door and narrows his eyes on Ivy as she picks up a tube of lipstick. “No, not that drugstore garbage. Ophelia will notice. Only quality cosmetics, please. Lord knows you’ve stolen your fair share of them.” He disappears outside as Ivy wrinkles her nose, closing one compartment on her makeup case and opening another.

“As I was saying …” Ivy continues as I do my best to drown her out, suffering her hands all over my face as she applies my makeup.

Callum manages to endure the girl's presence, sitting on the couch with one foot propped on the arm, his hands wrapped around his bare knee. His legs are crisscrossed with massive scars, the ragged lines shiny and violent, speaking to an unpleasant past. He leans forward, unfolding that lean body of his as he reaches out for his Pepsi.

“Seriously?” he asks, that deep, low voice of his causing both Ivy and me to shiver. “She said that?” It takes me a moment to realize that he’s actually engaging in gossip with this idiot. I’d completely tuned her voice out already.

“She did,” Ivy gushes, exhaling and making my wet hair flutter around my face. “Like, after you guys kicked the shit out of Kyler last week, she was storming around Prescott talking all this mad crap about how she was gonna leave him.” Ivy steps back to examine her work, frowns, and then goes for some boring-as-fuck neutral

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