Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,23

tries to scope out our girl, we’ll kill him.”

Vic strides across the deck in his boots and clomps down the stairs as I follow after. Without question, I get back on the bike with him.

I pretend not to enjoy it.

But I do.

I seriously fucking do.

When we get back to the house, Victor’s dad is there.

And he’s not supposed to be.

Vic grits his teeth as he climbs off the bike and turns back to give me a look.

“Stay here for a minute.”

He takes off for the front door as Hael pulls his hot rod in beside me.

“Fuck, the old man is here?” he asks as he climbs out and uses his red tank top to wipe the sweat from his face. As he does that, I get a nice, long healthy look at his abs. Damn, he’s ripped. Hael notices me looking and cocks this smirking grin that I meet with dead eyes. I don’t care if he sees me checking him out. It’s part of the reason I’m here, isn’t it? To get the guys that should’ve always been mine back.

There’s some shouting from inside, definitely the result of more than two people.

“Shit.” Hael takes off for the front door with Callum and Aaron behind him, leaving me alone with Oscar in the front yard.

“What’s going on?” I ask as he takes a step toward me, his eyes focused above and behind me. When I glance back, I see something I really don’t like. That is, a group of men I don’t recognize making their way toward us.

My instincts flare, and that fight or flight fever kicks in. Like I said, mine’s messed up because it’s more like a fight or fight harder instinct, but it works for me.

“Trouble.” Oscar sets his iPad on the trunk of Hael’s car, and then carefully unbuttons his jacket, tossing it aside. His beautiful tattooed fingers flick open a few buttons, and he reaches inside his shirt, pulling out a gun, a revolver by the looks of it.

Without even blinking, he lifts it up and levels it on the newcomers.

“You should've taken off when you had the chance, gone to live with that grandmother of yours.”

Aaron’s words make me shiver, and I exhale to calm myself.

This is what buying into Havoc has earned me: violence and turmoil. They are a gang, after all, no matter how beautiful or dark or alluring they might be. No matter what they used to mean to me as a kid.

None of it matters to me now though. As long as I can reap my vengeance and save my sister first, nothing else is important.

“This is Havoc territory,” Oscar says, voice smooth and cool, almost businesslike. “What do you want?”

“Who the fuck are you? Some brat with his daddy’s firearm?” the man in the front asks, his grizzled gray beard belying the strength in those thick forearms of his. Forearms don’t seem important until you realize that the muscles there are what control grip strength.

Oscar smiles.

“Not exactly.” He disengages the safety and pulls the hammer back.

“You little punk,” the man snarls, and the group makes their way toward us. My heart is thundering like crazy, and sweat is dripping down the sides of my face. Any woman worth her weight in salt knows a group of men equals bad news.

It's just me and Oscar out here. Two against six. And who knows how many more of these guys are in the house?

“Take one more step forward, and I'll shoot you in the thigh as a warning. But only because I'm an understanding sort of fellow.”

The men don't slow down, as sure of these odds as I am.

Oscar doesn't seem to give two craps.

He pulls the trigger and hits the leader in the thigh, striding forward as blood and gunpowder color the night air. Within a few seconds, the tide has turned and the leader is in a crumpled heap on the ground, howling in pain. That, and Oscar's gun is pressed firmly against his temple.

“I asked you not to move, and you didn't listen,” he says, his voice this dark thread of fire that curls around me, blue flame dancing with menace. Sure, it's all metaphorical, but the fact that the guy's voice is powerful enough to make me see in poetry is pretty impressive. “Do it again, and I'll be forced to make a decision neither of us will enjoy.”

“You don't have the balls,” one of the other men snarls, and Oscar lifts his gray eyes up to

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