Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,150

at least they hurt with me. “Aaron doesn’t like the idea of sharing. Funny that, considering you whore yourself out to all five Havoc Boys.”

“Doesn’t bother Mitch that Kali’s cheating on him with some douche from Oak Valley Prep, so I don’t see why you give a crap,” I blurt back, and Billie hits me as hard as she can in the face. I see stars, but all I have to do is keep them busy for a few. The other boys will be here; they’ll come. I fucking know it.

“We’re running out of time,” Kyler says, glancing over his shoulder, like he can feel the same energy that I feel. Havoc doesn’t play games. They don’t lose. They used to be my tormentors, but now they’re my dark angels. I turn my head and make eye contact with Aaron. He’s gone completely still, building up energy as he pants and bleeds, waiting for one last chance to break free.

His green-gold eyes meet mine, and I can see a million different truths just waiting there to be revealed. He didn’t want me in Havoc because he knew that, eventually, something like this would happen. In his own way, Aaron was trying to protect me.

“We should take these assholes with us and go,” Mitch adds, and Billie scowls.

“Why? Take them where? We’re in the middle of the fucking woods. And you said you had enough guys to deal with Havoc. Let’s bring the other four in here and they can all watch as you take turns on their girl.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Danny says, laughing. His eyes rake over me before he splits off from the group and disappears momentarily. Meanwhile, Billie continues playing with her knife, cutting open the front of my cheerleading costume with a laugh, exposing a large portion of my breasts.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Mitch says, swiping at the sweat on his face. “Let’s just kick the shit out of these two and call it a win. I don’t want to stick around here any longer than necessary.”

“Don’t be such a pussy,” Billie snaps as Danny comes back into the room and kicks one of the fog machines against the wall, shattering it into black plastic bits. “Well?” she asks, looking up at her boyfriend’s brother.

“There are a few people passed out in the foyer, but that’s it. Looks like our guys chased theirs into the woods.” Danny checks his phone, scrolling through messages. “Nate says they’ve lost most of them in the trees, and they’re heading back this way now.”

“Good,” Mitch says, pushing down a little harder on my arm. “What about Vic?”

“Dunno,” Danny says, tapping out a text message. He pauses a moment and then shakes his head. “We can’t find any of the Havoc Boys.” He glances over at Aaron and then grins. “Except for this one.”

“Get fucked,” Aaron growls out, and gets a right hook to the face from Timmy for the trouble.

“I still say we take them with us and get out of here while we have the upper-hand,” Mitch continues, just before the sound of breaking glass gives us all pause.

“What upper-hand?” Vic asks, appearing from the fog with his bat in hand. He swings it hard and hits Mitch in the thigh, drawing a scream from one of the Charter brothers while the other—Logan—launches himself at Victor. The two of them end up in a fight while I use the moment of surprise to throw a punch at Billie’s face.

She howls with pain as Oscar appears and grabs Kyler around the neck, putting him in a chokehold and yanking him back. There’s a momentary burst of pain before Kyler loses his grip on my hair, and I sit up, shoving Billie off of me. She sprawls to the floor as I crawl over her, hitting her in the face. Once, twice, three times. As she groans and tries to crawl away from me, I stand up and turn to help Aaron.

But Callum’s already there with his own baseball bat, hitting Danny in the shoulder before he goes for Timmy next. Hael is on the other side, taking care of two more of the clown-masked wearing idiots.

I stand there stone-still in the middle of the brawl, breathing hard, watching as the boys systematically take down their rivals—skeletons versus clowns. It’s a ghastly sight, the fog swirling around our feet, clown faces leering at us from the ceiling. I have to say, Stacey Langford is one crazy bitch

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