Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,130

they got from Ivy?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder at Vic. He looks down at me, and I feel that violent surge of … something in my body. Feelings and emotions pour through me, half of them glittery and foreign, the other half gloomy and familiar. I frown. “Because I know I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t give us time to plan.”

Vic smirks at me and then drags a lion mask over his head.

“No, I don’t think they’re going to wait. And neither will we.”

He growls at me through the mask and then grabs a package from the wall, pushing it into my arms. My heart thunders as Vic turns and disappears into the maze of Halloween props and costumes, leaving me to stare down at a very sexy cheerleader costume.


Well, Halloween is all about shedding one’s skin and donning a new persona, right?

I’d be more likely to sprout red wings and a tail than become a cheerleader.

I’ll take it.

We head to Vic’s house after instead of Aaron’s, but luckily, the place is empty.

As soon as I set foot inside, I can’t stop my eyes from landing on the spot where Vic first fucked me against the wall. He notices me looking, slipping past and raising a brow in my direction. I return his gaze with a hard stare of my own.

“I’ll make the girls a snack,” Aaron murmurs, noticing my exchange with Vic and narrowing his eyes. My hand is clasped around Heather’s. We picked her up on the way back from the Hellhole which is fine by me, but I’m not sure why we’re here and not at Aaron’s.

“It’d be easier for them to entertain themselves at your place,” I say, following him into the narrow galley kitchen. Ashley and Kara don’t seem bothered though, racing through the kitchen and letting themselves out the side door into the yard.

“Can I go?” Heather asks, yanking on my hand. Reluctantly, I let her go, but I watch out the window like a hawk, fully prepared for either Vic’s dad or those awful men to show up.

“It is easier, but we’re being followed, and I don’t need the Charters or the Ensbrooks knowing where I live.” Aaron opens the fridge and pulls out some apples and cheddar, sliding his pocketknife from his jeans before coring and cutting the green fruit like this is most definitely not his first time at the rodeo.

“We were being followed?” I ask, moving over to the living room area to stare out the front window. But it’s pretty much impossible to see beyond the thick foliage at the edge of the yard.

“You have a lot to learn, Bernadette,” Vic says, leaning in close to me and then standing up straight. “As soon as they back off a little, we’ll drop the kids off with the sitter, and head out.”

“And where exactly are we going?” I ask as Oscar turns away from the window to glance back at me and Vic.

“We’re crashing a Prescott party tonight,” he says smoothly, the light from the window catching on the lenses of his glasses. “Victor, do you care to break the news?”

“News?” I echo as Hael looks up from his phone with his brows drawn together, a frown on his lips. “What news?”

“Listen, babe,” Vic says, and my ears burn at that word. Babe. I’m not sure if I hate or … no, I hate it. I narrow my gaze on him as he studies me. Callum slumps into a seat at the table, that boneless fluidity of his a reminder of his past, of all the secrets he shared with me. “Kali is pregnant.”

“What?” I ask, blinking through the words and feeling this sense of frustration and dread wash over me.

“And we don’t beat up pregnant chicks,” Callum explains in that hoarse voice of his, his blue hood pulled up over his blond hair.

“Good for you. Such outstanding citizens. I’ll send you all some fucking metals.” Victor steps forward as I snarl out the snarky insults and grabs both sides of my face, effectively cradling my head in his big, tattooed hands.

“We’ll find a way to get her, Bern, I promise. But this changes our plans a little.”

“So she gets knocked-up and she’s suddenly exempt?” I snap, trying and failing to pull away from Victor.

“She’s not exempt,” he says, forcing me to look right into those dark eyes of his. “But we have to adjust our plans a bit. Don’t worry, when we’re finished with her, she’ll be ruined.” He

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