Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,122

his. Because, you're a Havoc Girl, like you've always wanted, but you refuse to admit it yourself. “Which is not good news for us considering we blew up his cabin.”

“Why don't you yell that a little louder, just to make sure the whole school hears you?” Aaron snaps, ruffling up his brown hair.

“We're fine,” Vic says, ever the pool of calm. Last Monday, I also found the rest of the morning-after pills we bought in my locker. Clearly, he broke in and left them there. But he hasn't once asked if I took them. I did, but he doesn’t know that. “Whatever happened to Vaughn isn't our problem. He made his bed, he can fucking sleep in it. Hopefully a cougar mauled his ass. Oscar, any news on Brittany?”

I slide off the tabletop and onto the bench seat next to Callum. He eats constantly, but at lunch, I notice he usually goes for Pepsi and cigarettes. It's like he's too wound up to eat in this jungle we call a high school. Sitting this close to him, it’s impossible not to think about our bodies moving in synchronous sensuality.

“Nothing unusual to report. She's been going to cheerleading practice, the gym, and her parents' house. She's barely attended any parties, and when she does, she doesn't drink. I'm almost positive she really is pregnant.”

Hael makes a frustrated sound under his breath and stares out the window like he wishes he could climb in his Camaro, drive away, and never look back. He could, if he wanted to. But maybe he cares too much about the other Havoc boys to leave?

“And Kali and Co.?” Vic asks as Oscar pauses to adjust his glasses.

“They've been selling product, and not just weed either. Meth. Coke. Pills. You name it, they're hawking it. Clearly, they must be getting the drugs from somewhere.”

“They're working with a bigger gang,” Vic says, studying them like a predator on the savannah. The lion with his big, thick mane standing in the sun and staring at the gazelle, not at all concerned with letting them know they are, in fact, the prey. “Working for, I should say,” he corrects, exhaling and leaning back. Vic’s sitting on the other side of Callum. I've noticed he's been very careful not to sit next to me lately. It's driving me nuts. I figured at some point, he'd confront me, slam his palm into my locker, get in my face. But he hasn't.

Maybe Vic’s waiting for me to come to him?

If he is, he'll wait forever. Fucking bastard.

I grit my teeth and suck on the straw I've jabbed into my chocolate milk.

“The only party anyone's talking about for Halloween night is the one at Stacey Langford's,” Aaron adds, and I realize that all week, I've been left entirely alone. Nobody's given me a single order or direction to follow. Why is that? “I've already spoken with her about it. She knows to just let them in, and we'll deal with it after that.”

“How are we planning on doing that?” I ask, and finally—finally—Vic deigns to look my direction.

“I haven't decided yet. You don't worry about it. Kali was your request, so we'll take care of her for you.”

“But Billie and Kyler and Mitch,” I add, remembering how Oscar said they wouldn't bother with Nurse Yes-Scott because she wasn't part of the deal. “They're a Havoc problem, and I'm a part of Havoc, so—”

“Are you now?” Vic asks, cocking his head at me. “Because one minute, you seem determined to be our whore and that's it. The next, you're a part of the group. So, which is it?”

“Lay off, Vic,” Aaron says as I bristle and dig the nails of my right hand into my thigh.

The two men share a long, studying look, and Vic finally stands up, but not like he's giving in, just like he's had enough.

He takes off for the doors of the cafeteria, and I follow after.

I'm not even really sure what my goal is, but as soon as I slip between the graffiti-covered doors, Vic is pushing me into the wall and penning me in with an arm on either side. Once, I wrote a scene like this for Mr. Darkwood’s class to see if I could shock him with some racy teen sex, but all he did was cross out the word penning and replace it with pinning. I scribbled all over it and wrote penning means to shut in, as if in a pen, not the same thing

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