Havoc at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #1) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,110

his face, I can see that he's still asleep. And he's so much cuter this way, too, none of those asshole vibes radiating off of him.

The only usable bathroom in the house now is the one upstairs, so I slip into my panties and Vic's discarded shirt, and make a run for it. Of course, when I get there and slip into the bathroom, it's all fogged up with steam.

“Shit,” I curse just before Aaron peeks out the curtain and sees me standing there. He sighs.

“You can come in,” he says. “I won't look.”

The curtain's tugged into place as I bite my lip and decide I just can't hold it. Cursing, I sit on the toilet and try to pee without thinking about the thin sheet of plastic separating Aaron's warm, tattooed body from mine.

What the hell did I do last night? I wonder, thinking about Hael's hot hands, and the fury on his face when Vic kicked him out of the room. And Vic … Vic. Fucking Vic. I've never had sex like that before, so completely undone. We only managed to use a condom the first time. The rest … “Goddamn it.”

“Do you need the shower?” Aaron asks, sighing again.

Do I? Of course I do. I have Vic's cum between my legs, and I'm in desperate need. Those sheets in the master bedroom are going to be wrecked …

“That'd be nice, thanks,” I murmur, not expecting him to just climb out in front of me. My eyes slide over the hard, wet planes of Aaron's body as he wraps a towel around his hips and leaves the water running. He doesn't look at me as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. But I saw it. His dick was hard. And I can only assume it was because of me.

With a groan, I hop into the shower, scrub myself down, and climb out.

As soon as I’m dressed, I open the bathroom door to find Vic waiting for me, his forearms braced on either side of the doorjamb.

I freeze, but my heart doesn't get the memo. I can hear it pounding like a war drum.

“Bernadette,” he says carefully, running his tongue across his lower lip. His eyes actually look brown today, like some of the shadows have been stripped away. Make no mistake: when he smiles, angels cry. But he looks moderately less scary and that’s saying something.

“Are we doing … Havoc stuff today?” I ask, the words husky as I try not to stare at his bare chest or the bitemarks on his neck, the red welts from my nails on his arms and shoulders. I've thoroughly marked Victor Channing, and I haven't spent much time in front of the mirror today, but … I glance to the side and catch a quick glimpse of my face and neck. There are red hickeys on my throat, no doubt about that.

I glance back at Vic, and he shrugs, those muscular shoulders of his moving like well-oiled pistons.

“I think we've all earned a break,” he says, his eyes taking me in, absorbing me, wrecking me, ripping me to pieces without even trying. I'm completely numb without you. The last thing in the world I want to do is go home right now, but I don't want to be here either.

I need space from Vic.

“Okay.” It's the only world that'll come out. I've forgotten the English language.

“Bernadette,” he says in that way of his. “Are you trying to run away from me again?”

“I don't …” I pause when I see Hael leaning against the wall, watching us. His honey-brown eyes meet mine, and he cocks a little half-smirk that doesn't quite reach his gaze. “I need to figure out Halloween costumes—for Heather and for me. We're going to a stupid party, right?”

“As relevant as all of that information is,” Vic starts, his voice smooth and low, “it's not an answer to my question.”

“I don't need to run from you, Victor Channing,” I say, slipping under his arm and moving into the hallway. I pretend like I don't feel Hael's eyes on me either.

“You don't? Because you're acting like you can't get away fast enough.” He turns to look at me, spots Hael leaning against the wall, and frowns. “What?” he asks, careful to keep his voice neutral.

“Nothing. Brittany wants to meet me somewhere today to talk.” Hael rolls his eyes and pushes up off the wall. “But I wasn't sure, what with all those white trash weasels on our

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