Haunted - Sunny Wolfe Page 0,46

I liked and what I didn’t like. I told him I didn’t want a mansion; I wanted a nice simple house with land. I even offered to help with the down payment, but he looked at me and smiled. I have never been a materialistic person so when I received my mother’s life insurance policy, I put the money into savings for Joey’s future. It didn’t take a lot to make me happy: a good book, a cup of coffee, my husband, my son, and my iPod. What else did I need?

Roman and I had also started therapy together. The therapist told us that, at times, she would want to talk to us individually and that made both of us uneasy. We insisted that the other knew everything, but she explained to us that she needed to go deeper into Roman’s self-blame and go deeper into my feelings about being raped by two different men. We all agreed to see what happened but going was the first step.

I stood in Berg’s kitchen, cleaning up from breakfast. Roman and Berg sat across from me on bar stools.

“So what’s on the agenda today boys?”

“In about twenty minutes, I have an appointment with a realtor to look at three promising houses,” Roman said as he took the last sip of his coffee. “What do you two have planned for the day?”

“I was thinking that Beth and I could go swim with the dolphins today. I also heard they have a special on swimming with the sharks. It costs a little more, but I think Beth is worth it, wouldn’t you agree?”

“You’re not fucking funny, Berg.” Roman gave Berg the stink eye.

Berg and I both liked to mess with Roman about his being so overprotective of me. I thought it was sweet, and since I didn’t go out too much, it didn’t really bother me, but Berg well, he thought it was hilarious.

“Berg, leave Roman alone. He’s stressed out enough looking for our dream house.” I popped Berg on the shoulder with my dish towel.

Berg looked wounded. Roman stood and walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me just under my breasts. He laid his cheek against mine and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around his arms. He shifted until his arms covered mine. Then he gently pulled up my wrist and looked at the scar that circled it.

“I hate these scars,” he softly said. He pulled my wrist up to his lips and kissed the scar and then proceeded to kiss the other wrist.

Berg looked away. I got the feeling that the scars bothered Berg too. I held my wrists out in front of me and examined them. They weren’t pretty.

“I want to try to get these fixed before you get pregnant.”

“We have no idea how much it would cost to fix these. I’ll just continue wearing a watch and a bracelet,” I said as though it was no big deal.

“I have money. Do you keep forgetting that? I want to do this for us. Hell, I want to do this for Joey. I don’t want these to remind Joey of what you went through. I don’t want to be reminded of what you went through.”

I guess I’d never thought about that. Of how much it hurt Roman to see the scars on my wrists. He still believed that it was his fault that Jason took me. I knew better. The doorbell rang. I turned around in Roman’s arms while Berg went to open the door.

“I love you, Roman Reed. You know that, right?” Roman lifted his hand and placed it over my necklace. I, in return, wrapped my hand around his cuff. We both touched our foreheads together and closed our eyes. It was intimate and sweet.

From the other room I heard, “Gross! Why don’t you two go get a room?”

I quickly turned my head to the door. I knew whose voice it was without a doubt, but I didn’t remember her telling me she was coming by.

“Phoebe, are you coming to play with me today?” I smiled and then I noticed Eve was with her. “Oh goody, both of my best friends are here to play with me.” I grinned and looked at my husband.

“Baby, I am sorry, but actually the girls are here for me.”

I pouted. “Hey, there will be no threesomes allowed unless I attend. That is nonnegotiable.”

“That is so fucking cool! Would you really have a threesome, Beth?” Berg asked me.

“Sure, except a

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