Haunted Sanctuary (Green Pines Sanctuary - By Rogers, Moira Page 0,47

the truth, but today only one word fit. “Fuck.”

“Or both?” He flipped her suddenly, pinning her to the mattress with her hands above her head. “Can you even separate them right now, with the moon so close?”

No. It was too terrifying to admit, too alien. She bucked up with all her newly won strength, and it wasn’t a game. She wanted to twist free, wanted to rake her nails over his skin and bite him again, wanted him to tear open her clothes and shove her against the bed—

She whimpered and tried to force the lurid fantasy from her mind. “This is kind of perverse.”

He didn’t argue. Instead, he bent his head to hers, nuzzling her cheek and the spot just below her ear.

Gentle and soft. A trap, and she tumbled into it, craning her neck back in silent encouragement. “My skin is too tight. My clothes are too.”

His soothing hum vibrated against the sensitive skin at the base of her throat. “We have a bond now. Give a little of it to me.”

“I don’t think she wants me to.” She tugged at his grip, wriggling her wrists as irritation and arousal rose in equal measure. “Can you take it?”

“It doesn’t work that way.” He gripped both of her wrists with one hand and lowered the other to her cheek, brushing her tangled hair back from her face.

His eyes glowed. Gold, beautiful, flaring with the same fire that licked inside her skin. Power curled around her, pressing in as her wolf struggled out. As fierce as she felt, the unshakable strength inside him burned brighter. Hotter.

She couldn’t meet his eyes, so she squeezed hers shut as Jay stroked over her, around her, inside her. A touch beyond that of flesh, and her wolf yielded with an irritated murmur, leaching the tension from Eden’s body. “Oh…”

“See?” Just a whisper, softer than the power that encircled them both. “We don’t take. We give.”

Yesterday, she’d sprawled on this bed and worried about the supernatural senses of the men sleeping upstairs. Now, with her wolf so close to the surface, modesty seemed a foreign concept. “But I want you to take me.”

A tiny shudder ran through him, and he captured her mouth with a low groan. Thrilled by the fracture in his self-control, Eden licked his lips and tangled her legs around his, using the only leverage she had with her hands still pinned.

His tongue rubbed over hers, a gentle tease, and his groan was more growl when she opened wider to let him in. He rocked his hips against hers, reached down to grip her leg and pull it higher on his body.

The wolf struck without warning, taking advantage of Jay’s moment off balance. Eden slammed her heel into the bed and rolled them both as hard as she could, fighting for the top, for dominance, for that thrilling moment of hovering over him—

Only a moment. Momentum propelled them in a tangle of limbs, and Eden choked on a startled shriek as they tumbled to the floor.

Jay gasped and shook, his eyes squeezed shut. After a heartbeat, his suppressed laughter bubbled out in a breathless chuckle. “Well. That didn’t exactly go as planned.”

Eden rolled off him and scrubbed a hand over her face. Her body still throbbed, but she couldn’t tell if the need riding her would be satisfied by sex—at least, not by the sort of sex she was used to having. “I want to…” His chuckle dwindled, and she missed it. Craved it. “I want to play.”

He propped his elbow on the floor and rested his head on his hand. “That’s what the full moon is for. We’ll run, play. It’s about the wolf, the pack.”

“The needs are getting all mixed up.” Facing him, she traced a finger down the row of buttons on his plaid shirt. “That’s just because it’s you, right? I like everyone else, but I don’t want to play the same kinds of games with them.”

“I hope not.” He caught her hand and held it, even as he slipped free the button under their fingers with his thumb.

Eden pushed herself to her knees with a grace she was starting to enjoy possessing. It made her feel more seductive as she inched down his body until her head was even with his hips. “Are you going to let me play games with you?”

Someone pounded on the door, followed quickly by Colin’s voice. “Everything okay? I heard a crash.”

Groaning, Eden dropped her head to Jay’s stomach. “I hate life.”


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