The Hating Season (Seasons #2) - K.A.Linde Page 0,89

were guarding the door. But I didn’t care. I didn’t want to think about him, not now. I just wanted to be here with Taylor.

It wasn’t until an hour later when Lark first appeared that I realized Court must have made some calls. She rushed into the room. Her red hair was curly and frazzled. Her eyes were smudged with purple half-moons under them, and she looked worried.

“English,” she said, coming to my side and pulling me into a hug. “Oh my goodness, I don’t even know what to say. How is she doing? How are you doing? Has she woken up?”

I shook my head. “No, she’s still asleep. The nurses say that she’s sedated for the pain. They don’t think she’ll be up for a couple hours. Her friend just went into another surgery. I don’t know what’s happening with her.”

Lark squeezed me tighter. “It’s okay. You don’t have to know everything.” Then, she drew back. “I brought you clothes. Court said you were still in your Halloween costume.”

I glanced down at myself. The red lingerie and Court’s oversize ’60s suit coat. I hadn’t even realized.

“Thank you,” I said, taking the clothes.

I entered the small bathroom and changed out of the costume and heels. Lark had brought me a pair of yoga pants, a black T-shirt, and a sweatshirt along with socks and sneakers. I realized half-consciously that this was all stuff I’d left at Court’s. I’d never given anyone a key to my new place. It felt like an oversight now.

“Feel more human?” Lark asked when I stepped out of the bathroom.

“Sure,” I said with a shrug.

“Do you want to talk? I didn’t know if…”

“No,” I said quickly. “Not really.”

“Court seems… upset.”

“You saw the pictures.”

Lark nodded. “I did.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. I just… I just want him to go. Can you tell him to go?”

Lark bit her lip. “If that’s what you want. But I think you should talk to him.”

“No. I already talked to him. I just want to be here for my sister.”

“I don’t know if he’s going to leave you here alone.”

“Please,” I whispered. “Please, Lark. I can’t do it tonight.” I helplessly stared down at Taylor. “She was shot. Her friend might not make it through the night. I can’t deal with Court Kensington, too.”

“Okay,” Lark said softly, rubbing my back. “It’s okay. I can ask Court to leave. Or at least to stay out of your way.”

“Thank you.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Of course.”

Lark disappeared then, leaving me alone with Taylor once more. I couldn’t hear what she said to Court. I didn’t want to know. I just wanted to be alone.

Early the next morning, Taylor woke up. Groggy and clearly in a lot of pain. A nurse bustled in. He checked her vitals and pain levels, gave her some more painkillers, and then headed back the way he’d come.

“Anna?” Taylor said, blinking a few times. “How long was I out?”

“Most of the night.”


“Yeah.” I chewed on my fingernail. A habit I’d given up in college. “I got all your messages and voice mails. Just a little too late.”

“I’m sorry,” she immediately blurted out. “I should have come to you as soon as I found out how much money Bea owed that guy. It just all…” She shuddered.

“Hey, it’s okay. Whatever happened, happened. You’re going to be okay. Your leg will take a while to heal, but the doctor said that you should make a full recovery.”

“And Bea?” Taylor asked, her voice thick with emotion.

I swallowed. “I don’t know much. They won’t say anything until her parents arrive. I know she was in and out of surgery last night. They’re still working on her.”

“Jesus,” Taylor said. She slammed her eyes shut. “I can’t fucking believe this.”

“Do you want to tell me what happened?”

Taylor frowned and then shook her head.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to tell the police. They called me last night. That’s how I knew where you’d been taken. I think they’re going to want to file a report.”

“Okay… but not right now.”

“Okay. Dad and Ashley are flying out this afternoon. It was the soonest they could get a flight.”

“You told Dad?” she gasped and then winced.

“You’d been shot! You were in surgery. What did you expect?”

Taylor nodded, chastened. “Yeah. Of course. You’re right.”

A soft knock came from the door. I frowned and then yawned as the realization that I hadn’t slept all night hit me. I stiffly dragged myself out of the chair and went to Copyright 2016 - 2024