Hate Me or Love Me - Ella Miles Page 0,18

you into her ideas tomorrow. I’m sure you will work well together.”

I stare at Victoria as she smiles slyly at me. I don’t know what she did to convince Lily that she needs both of us, but whatever it is, I’ll change Lily’s mind tomorrow. Tonight, I need to work on Victoria.

“We will meet you at seven at your office. Get some sleep, Lily. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

I end the call and then glare at Victoria. “What did you do?” I ask.

She sips her beer. “I got the job, didn’t I?”

“No, you didn’t.”

“Then, why are you so upset?”

“Because she hired both of us.”

Victoria’s eyes widen as she looks at Logan, like he is going to be able to do something about the situation. “What did you do?” she asks her brother.

“Nothing. I haven’t talked to Lily since high school, same as you.”

“Logan Grant, don’t you dare lie to me. I know you enjoy watching me and Carter fight. Is this some kind of sick joke to force us to work together? What. Did. You. Do?” Victoria stands, towering over Logan, grabbing on to the neck of his shirt. She’s a tiny woman who shouldn’t be able to threaten a man like Logan with anything, but right now, the rage building inside her gives me no doubt that she would be able to take on Logan or any other man.

“Lily and I had lunch today,” Logan says.

Victoria releases him. “I knew it. What did you tell her?”

“I told her I wasn’t going to get in the middle of this. She asked me for advice on deciding who she should choose and what she should do, and I told her I couldn’t help her. That either of you would be able to do the job. That it was up to her.”

“Some friend you are,” I say at the same time Victoria says, “Some brother you are.”

We glare at each other for a second before turning our anger back on Logan.

“This isn’t a game, Logan. I’m not some teenager you get to play with for your amusement. This is my career you are messing with.”

Logan stands up and grabs Victoria’s arms. “That’s why I didn’t say anything. I didn’t do anything. Maybe I should have reminded Lily that you two didn’t get along, but I never thought she would choose both of you. I promise. I would never do anything to hurt you. Not anymore.”

Victoria takes a deep breath. “I know.” She looks at me. “I guess we will be working together.”

“Or you could quit,” I say, taking a drink of my beer.

She takes a seat back on the barstool. “I’m not quitting. I don’t care how miserable you try to make my life while we work together. I’m not quitting. This is my chance to start my own company. This is my big break, and I’m not letting you jeopardize that.”

I shake my head and push down the fury building inside me. Lily needs my help, and Victoria is just going to get in the way.

“You’re jeopardizing your career by staying.”

“You can’t scare me off, Carter. I’m a different person than I used to be. I’m done taking your crap.”

“Yes, you are definitely done taking my crap. That’s why I got the bed last night.”

“And your clothes were drenched in beer.”

“Nothing a little dry cleaning can’t fix.”

I gulp down the rest of my beer before walking over to her. “Thanks for the beer, Tori. I’ll see you at seven sharp. Make sure to get lots of rest on that couch. I have a lot planned for tomorrow.”

“You’d better look sharp because I plan on blowing Lily away with my ideas, and I doubt she will want to keep you around. You’ll be out on the streets, looking for a new job, so you’d better look good for your job interview.”

I smirk. “I think I like the old Tori better.”

She turns and pushes her breasts out. My eyes immediately go to her cleavage. I want to bury my face in her chest and taste her smooth skin. I want to flick my tongue over her hardening nipple. I want to hear her scream my name when I push my dick inside her. I want—

“Your dick seems to like the new me.”

“My dick is happy with any woman with breasts and a nice body. But it knows better than to get involved with trouble like you.”

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t doubt that. I think you should just fuck

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