Hate Me or Love Me - Ella Miles Page 0,157

doesn’t fix anything; it just makes life more complicated. I should know.

“I’ll agree on one condition.”

He perks up, his eyes open more fully, and his lips purse like he’s going to kiss me if I say yes.

“You already said you’d never ask me to do anything illegal.”

He nods.

“And I can live with a little danger.” I already have enough danger in my life. “But no sex.”

“No sex?” he asks slowly.

“Yes, no sex. I won’t fuck you for money.”

He smiles when I say fuck.

“I’m not asking you to fuck me for money. I don’t pay for sex. I’m not going to pretend with you, Mila. Everything that happens between us will be real. I won’t fuck you if you don’t want me to.”

I will just break your heart. He doesn’t say the words, but they are implied. If I do this, I will end up broken.

It’s not possible to be more broken than I’ve been. He doesn’t know about my past.

“Last condition.”

He chuckles. “You said that last time.”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “I need an honest answer.”

He leans back, waiting for me to continue.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to work for me.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I mean, what do you want from life?” I can’t work for a broken man who is just out for revenge. He doesn’t have to be a saint, but I need to know his life is more than making his ex’s life a living hell.

Knight looks away, and I don’t think he’s going to answer me. It’s a personal question, and I need a truthful answer to agree to do this.

He’s not going to be honest. He’s going to let me go. I’m not going to get this job.

“I want freedom.”

Our eyes meet, and I realize the truth. It’s what we both want.

Freedom from our pasts.

Freedom to be ourselves.

Freedom to be happy.

Freedom to have a future.

“I accept your job offer.” I hold out my hand, even though I’m not wearing a shirt or pants.

Even though he’s shirtless.

Even though we’ve kissed.

He smiles and shakes my hand. “Miss Burns, I think we are going to make a perfect team.”



“Now what?” Mila asks, her eyes big with fear about what’s coming, but also a tiny bit turned on. I know if I reached between her legs right now I’d find her wet. I haven’t let my eyes glimpse her cunt that’s wrapped in sexy lace. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to keep my promise of not fucking her without her permission. I’d turn into an animal who wouldn’t be able to stop.

“When does my job start? What hours do I work?”

“Immediately, and any hour I want you.”

She shivers on my lap, which doesn’t help my hard on. It’s been too long since I’ve wanted a woman this badly.

I want to tell Mila to give me a lap dance. To see how far she will take her new job responsibilities. I want to torture her, but I’m not sure who I would be torturing more.

“What does my bad boss want me to do now?” she teases in her sultry voice.

“Get dressed.”

Her eyes widen further into big green orbs.

“And never talk dirty again. It doesn’t suit you. Your voice is more than enough.”

“I wasn’t trying to—”

I give her a look, and she stops. She was teasing me, trying to get under my skin. I know she thinks I’m nothing but a bad boy. She probably thinks I stole the money I’ve earned. Or earned it off of young women who dance for me. She doesn’t know I’ve barely earned a penny from this club.

Mila climbs off of me slowly, like she’s deliberately trying to drive me crazy as she rubs her body against mine. But I know it’s not deliberate. She just doesn’t realize how sexy she is.

She pulls her skirt on and buttons the jacket over her bra. She picks up the hair tie and ties her hair up high on her head into a ponytail again. And I’m left wondering if she was sexier in her lingerie or now fully dressed. I don’t have an answer.

She stares at me, and I smile smugly as she eats me up.

“Are you going to get dressed?”

“Huh?” Oh, I forgot I wasn’t wearing a shirt. I grab my T-shirt and throw it over my head.

“Have you eaten dinner yet?” I ask even though I know the answer. No. And if she did eat, she needs to eat a second dinner; she’s far too skinny for what is healthy.

“Eat dinner

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