Hate Me or Love Me - Ella Miles Page 0,137

goes. But nothing will stop me now.

Forcing my legs to keep climbing holds my entire attention now. I can’t think about my family problems. I can’t think about the jackass who almost ran me over. All I think about is putting one foot in front of the other. Over and over. Until finally, I reach the top.

Breathtakingly, beautiful.

I’ve never seen anything like it. Gone are the wildflowers, replaced with expansive views. I see the top of dozens of mountains around me. And a small lake sits on top of the mountain. The water’s turquoise color is shimmering against the backdrop of the slope in front of me. A small snow patch scatters against the flawless grey rocks.

I smile, really smile, at what I just did. I don’t have a clue how high I’m up. 10,000 feet? 12,000? Did I just climb a ”14er”? I don’t know. But I feel like I’m on top of the world. This was my Everest. And I beat it.

I sit down on a rock on the edge of the water, wishing I had a water bottle and snack to enjoy along with the view. Several other hikers are relaxing around the lake, enjoying the fruits of their efforts. But I don’t see the man who caused me to be hiking in the first place.

Good, I might get to run over his bike after all.

After resting my legs for a while, I decide it’s time to head back down. Should be much easier and faster than my way up.

I’m so wrong. The rocks that were so enjoyable to hike up are now death traps. My shoes have no traction as I climb down their slick surfaces. The streams of water I walked over before now race with enough water to soak my feet as I step through them, drenching my shoes and socks. And the slick dirt causes my feet to slide with each step, making each movement exhausting.

My thighs tremble. I used too much energy climbing, and have almost nothing left to climb down. I consider just rolling down the mountain, but with my luck, I’d probably roll off the path and plunge to my death.

And don’t even get me started on my knees. I’ve never been in so much pain in my life. Each step stabs into my knees, making me grit my teeth with each step.

I thought I understood the beauty of why people spend their free time hiking. Now I think it’s just because they like torturing themselves with pain and fear.

I try to make my legs move faster. The faster I run, the faster I will be off this treacherous cliff.

Faster is good. My momentum is carrying me down. I can do this.

One more step and then another and then…


I’m not one to curse. I’ve probably sworn less than a dozen times in the last year. But the sharp pain I feel in my ankle, knee, and hip as I hit the ground is enough to warrant it. My ankle is hurt the worst; my hands grip it as I writhe in pain.

“You should be careful. The rocks are slippery,” a boy, who looks to be about seven, says as he jumps over me wearing flip-flops.

I frown. I’m sure his parents are with him, but right now I want to throw the kid off the cliff for his snide remarks.

He disappears, and I do in fact see his father chase after him a second later. He doesn’t stop to see if I need help. This trail isn’t heavily trafficked, so apparently, I’m on my own at the top of Everest. I’ll probably die up here. Does it snow up here in the summertime? Will frostbite get me? Will a bear or mountain lion be my end? Or will I die slowly from starvation?

Dammit! Why the hell did I decide to climb this mountain?!

Oh yea, because of a cocky, arrogant smile with dimples, tattoos, and muscles. If I survive this, I’m getting my eyes carved out. I don’t need them. They get in my way and cause me to make bad decisions.

“You okay, sweetheart?” a deep voice asks.

I keep my eyes closed shut because I know the source of the voice. It would be my luck he is the one to find me and offer to help me.

“Perfectly fine. Just enjoying a nice relaxing nap in the middle of the trail.”

He chuckles and touches my leg.

I jump. My eyes fly open at the jolt shooting through my leg. I don’t know if

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