Hate (Her Monsters #2) - K.A Knight Page 0,108

“I want you more than my next breath, more than I have ever wanted anything, including a crown, including my first shift. You’re the only thing in this world I want, you are what I woke for, what I searched this whole world for, and I intend to have you until the end of time, but first you have a council to stop.”

She groans. “Your fancy talk is hot.”

I ruffle at that, almost puffing up. “Then I will talk fancy, as you say, forever.”

She giggles and kisses me again, moaning into my mouth as I deepen it. Winding my hand into her hair and duelling my tongue with hers, my dragon growls in satisfaction, wanting me to claim her now, so I rip my mouth away just as my phone rings.

Groaning, I pull it from my pocket to see a strange notification. “What in the world?”

Dawn blinks lust-filled eyes and looks at the phone, laughing as she swipes. “It’s called FaceTime, so you can see their face while they talk.”

“Why? Why wouldn’t I just see them in person if I wanted to?” I grumble just as Jean Paul’s face comes on the screen. At this point I am beginning to believe he is doing this on purpose to see my struggle.

“Sir, erm, you are upside down.” He laughs and Dawn plucks the phone from my grip and turns it so he is right side up.

“You must be Dawn!” Jean Paul gushes, pushing his face to the screen. “I am so glad he found you! I can’t wait to meet you!”

“Thanks?” she replies with a small smile, as Jean Paul looks back at me.

“Did you, erm…get your ride with Satan, sir? I am bringing the car now.”

“I did, he was rude.” I huff.

“Leave him a bad rating,” Jean Paul quips, and Dawn giggles as I frown at them both.

“I don’t understand. Rating? As in sexually? I didn’t have sexual relations with Satan!” I almost yell, just as the door opens and Griffin strolls in.

“Well, okay, I think the dragon doth protest too much. Vasculo, did you let your little pet suck Satan’s dick?” He laughs.

I narrow my eyes on a chuckling Jean Paul. “I will talk to you later.”

“Yes, sir! Bye, Dawn!” he calls and hangs up, so I pocket the phone.

Dawn slips from my arms and leans against me while her hand reaches for Griffin. He takes it and lets her pull him closer, throwing me a glare which I return.

“I did not suck Satan’s...I did not!” I gripe, making them both laugh.

“If you say so, wing boy,” Griffin taunts. “I wondered how you got the sleeping council to come, now I know...in more ways than one.”

“You two behave, or when this is over, I’ll make you share a bed. Griffin, baby, did you find me some clothes?” she asks sweetly.

He ignores me and looks at her, his eyes swirling. “Yes, though I do prefer you naked.”

“Shush.” She grins and takes the bundle from him. He’s dressed now too, in just some leather pants with his wings out behind him. “Where are Jair and Dume?”

“The minotaur probably went to ram into things and got stuck. Your vamp is still checking cells. Looks like whatever power you unleashed knocked loose all the spells and bindings down here, so all the monsters are going to be free.”

“Good.” She beams as she slips into a dress. It’s silky and red, tight on her body and short with spaghetti straps. She glances down at it then fixes her stare on Griffin. “Do I even want to know where you got this?”

He grins, winking at her. “Probably, you like it when I’m bad.”

“I do,” she agrees and leans up, kissing him. “Thank you, baby, now let’s go get the others. It’s time, let the monsters be free. The council isn’t going to know what hit them.” She twines her hand with his and starts to leave, stopping at the door and looking back at me.

I don’t know where I fit. The others seem to, they’ve been with her and my dreamscapes don’t appear to count, so I don’t know how to fit into her life, but I want to. So badly. When she holds her hand out for me, waiting, I hesitate.

“Take her fucking hand, dragon, or I’ll lock you in here,” Griffin snarls.

I reach out and take it. She squeezes mine as she laces our fingers together, her eyes understanding. “Our whole lives, Aska, but for now, like you said, we have things to

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