The Harvest King - Paula Quinn Page 0,107

him if she thought Seth knew all along that her father was the one putting the gold coin in his hand for his service as a Catcher.”

He placed both of his hands on Shauna’s shoulders and moved her out of his way. When he passed her, Shauna rested her fists on her hips. “What are you, some kind of saint? Why do you want her to be happy with someone else?”

He stopped and turned to look over his shoulder at her. “Because I love her.”

“Then get back in there and get her, Caleb. Damn you.”

“No,” he said simply, and kept on walking toward his horse.

Shauna chased him, and when she caught him, she grabbed his hand and stopped his departure. “So that’s it? After all everyone has been through, you’re just walking away?”

A soft, warm breeze riffled through his hair and lifted it off his shoulders. “She would have come back to me if I was the one who could make her happy, Shauna. She went through things you or I can’t even imagine. He was there for her. I wasn’t. And maybe she won’t hate me forever because of what I just allowed to happen to her father, but she’ll never forgive me for it. I always knew that. That’s why I did nothing to Seth. I won’t have her hate me for him too.”

“Oh, stop being so annoyingly unselfish, Caleb,” Shauna taunted. “Go get her.”

He laughed, but it sounded sad to his ears. “You think it was unselfish to ask her to love me when I knew I had to exact justice on her father?” Suddenly, the empty grin on his face vanished and he bent his body so that his gaze was level with hers. “I was more selfish than Seth ever was.”


“Yes.” He cut off whatever excuses she would have made for him. “All I thought about was holding her. I knew this day would come, but I didn’t care.” He shook his head and looked back up at the palace. “It’s what made Seth lie to me. We are the same.” He looked at Shauna again. “Only he has a much better chance of making her happy than I ever did.”

When he left her and mounted his horse, Shauna turned her pleading eyes to Jonas. But the Warrior shook his head, leaving Caleb alone.

“There’s a storm coming,” Jonas told Shauna from his horse as they headed home, side by side.

Shauna squinted her eyes at her brother riding in the distance.

“He’s taking this lying down,” Jonas explained. “He never takes anything lying down. You saw him on the plains with the Catchers and how he searched for her unceasingly, and now he’s suddenly just giving up.”

“Maybe he’s just too tired to fight anymore,” Shauna suggested sadly.

“He never gets tired. And he never gives up. Shondravar is a perfect example of that.” Jonas sighed, shaking his bald head. “He can’t fight her, so he will fight me…or you…or even himself.”

Shauna looked at her brother riding ahead of them and prayed that Jonas was wrong.

They returned to Shondravar almost a week and a half later. Jonas kept a watchful eye on his friend while they traveled. And then, on the day after they returned home, he heard the storm rumbling in the distance.

It rained the day after they returned home, and it was sorely needed. Jonas ran to the window and let out a loud cheer. Shauna raced him to their horses. It took them both a full minute to realize Caleb wasn’t with them. They called to him, but no reply came. When Jonas entered the cottage and burst into Caleb’s bedroom, Caleb asked him to leave.

“Caleb.” Jonas’ faced paled. “Come, my friend. The sky is about to open up any second.”

“I’m tired, Jonas.

Saying a silent prayer, Jonas went to the bed where Caleb lie atop his sheets staring up at the ceiling, his arms folded behind his head. “Don’t do this, Caleb. Fight me, fight your sister, but don’t fight yourself, and for God’s sakes, don’t fight the land.”

His friend screwed up his face in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“We need the water,” Jonas pushed. “Now let’s go get it.”

Suddenly, Caleb was on his feet. He vaulted to his door and held it open. “If you’re going, Jonas, then go and be done with it. But I’m tired.” His voice near brought the walls down, and the murderous glare in his eyes told Jonas not to say another word.

Caleb didn’t help at all with the Copyright 2016 - 2024