Hardwood - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,88

so complicated about liking hardwood?” Stone jokes. “It’s better than softwood, am I right.” He elbows his boyfriend who reluctantly grins.

“Seriously, you have to shut up,” Dare mutters, looping an arm around Stone’s waist and dragging him close enough to put a hand over his mouth.

“What’s complicated is that when you met me, I was married to a woman. Then we had Livi and things got even more confusing. I was still working it out myself, and once I had, I thought I owed it to Val to tell her first,” I explain. “But then Watson came along and made things messy and exciting. I’ve wanted to tell you about him, but there was just so much guilt about Val.”

Silence falls again as they all process the information. Ollie reaches over and gives me an encouraging pat on the back, and I shoot him a grateful smile.

“I should’ve fucking known that even the guy we all thought was straight would find the man of his dreams before I would,” he jokes, but there’s a hint of pain underlying it.

“Wait, so why didn’t you bring your man along? We have to meet this guy,” Cole says.

“Yeah, I kind of fucked that up,” I confess, reaching up to adjust my baseball cap.

“Uh-oh, what’d you do?” Ollie asks, looking sympathetic.

“Should we have drawn you a diagram to figure out where everything goes?” Stone jokes.

I roll my eyes. “No, I’ve got that part down, thanks though.”

“What happened?” Ren prompts.

“Remember last week at the bar when I got all weird when that guy showed up?”

“Was that him?” Ollie asks.

I nod solemnly, and a look of pity goes around the group. “Yeah, you fucked that one up,” Cole agrees.

“Thanks, I figured that out on my own,” I assure him. “I have a plan to fix it though, and I need your help.”

“What do you need us to do?” Ollie asks.

“He deserves something big to show him I’m all in,” I say, and they all nod in agreement. I explain my plan, and I’m met with reactions ranging from amused to skeptical. “He’s going to love it,” I insist.

“It’s not what I would’ve gone with, but you know him better than we do,” Stone says.

“If I need a plan B, I’ll have a goat eat his underwear,” I deadpan, and Dare scowls at his boyfriend.

“You told them about that?”

“Of course, I did. Don’t be so grumbly; it was hilarious, and you have an amazing ass,” Stone reasons.

“Whatever’s cooking smells amazing. If the awkward part is over, maybe we can look into that,” I say, hoping we can move onto the more normal part of the evening now that the coming out and asking for help portion is finished.

“Oh shit, yeah the chicken is probably done,” Ren says, shooing us all out of the way so he can pull it out of the oven.

“I think it’s a great plan,” Ollie assures me quietly. “He’s going to love it, and the two of you are going to be all happy and gooey for the rest of your lives.” His smile doesn’t reach his eyes, and my heart aches for him. I pull him in for a quick hug, patting his back. If anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s Ollie.

The sound of the front door opening comes from down the hallway.

“That must be Daniel,” Ren says.

Ollie stiffens, pulling back from the hug, his face going pale.

“I didn’t know he was coming tonight.”

“Oh, yeah. He thought he might have to work late, but I guess he managed to get out on time,” Ren says. “We’re in the kitchen,” he calls out.

Ren’s best friend, Daniel, comes sweeping into the kitchen looking sophisticated and fabulous all at once in a designer suit with a fuchsia dress shirt underneath.

“I just remembered, I can’t stay,” Ollie says quickly.

“What? Why?” Cole asks, looking at his brother like he’s lost his mind.

“Yeah, I forgot I have a…thing. Sorry.” He skirts around everyone and slips out of the kitchen before any further questions can be asked.

“That was weird,” Stone says.

“Very,” Cole agrees.

We sit down to dinner together ,and for the first time in my life, I feel completely comfortable in my own skin—no nagging feeling in the back of my mind or guilt eating away at my stomach. I waited too long to be honest with everyone, especially myself, but it’s not too late for my happily ever after. As long as I can convince Watson to forgive me.

Chapter 26


“I told you guys, I’m not in the

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