Hardwood - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,21

before replacing it. Watson falls into step beside me, taking a deep breath of fresh air and grinning.

“I’m glad you came out tonight,” he says.

“I’m glad you invited me.” I can’t remember the last time I felt this comfortable in my own skin, this much like myself. I thought for sure that all the years I’ve spent pretending had smothered part of me permanently. Maybe forty-four isn’t too late to figure my shit out after all? Better late than never, right?

He slows to a stop in front of a gray Honda that looks like it’s seen better days. “This is me,” he says, needlessly gesturing at the car as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. I nod and hesitate. I spent a whole week after we first met wondering what it would be like to kiss him. If I don’t make a move, will I spend another week thinking about it?

He meets my eyes and a spark of electricity flows between us. He darts his tongue out to drag along his lips, and my heart rate speeds up. I inch closer, my whole body buzzing.

“I should go,” he blurts, drawing me up short.

“Right,” I agree, taking a step back and rubbing my hand against the back of my neck.

“I’m, um, glad we’re friends,” he says awkwardly.

Message received. “Me too,” I agree.

Friends are good. I need friends. I especially need friends I don’t feel guilty around. If I have to exploit the loophole that I didn’t technically have to come out to Watson in order to feel okay about it, I’ll do it.

A friend is worth a lot more than some guy I might kiss once just to get it out of the way. A friend is better than a random, sweaty body to roll around with. At least that’s what I tell myself the entire drive home while my mind lingers back in the parking lot, in an alternate reality where I pushed Watson up against his car and kissed the hell out of him.

Chapter 7


“Remind me why we agreed to help you with this?” I ask, holding one end of a heavy granite countertop, my fingers cramping as we maneuver our way to the bathroom it’s going in.

“Because I’m charming?” Stone guesses with a lopsided smirk.

“No, that can’t be it,” Cole ribs from behind him, fixtures in hand.

“Fuck you, dude,” Stone tosses back at him good naturedly. We reach the bathroom and set down the heavy slab.

“I think this is sweet,” Ollie offers. “I bet Dare will love it.”

“Better than your idea to get him a goat for his birthday,” I agree.

“That would’ve been funny,” Stone argues.

“Birthday gifts aren’t supposed to be funny,” West points out.

Stone rolls his eyes. “I’m not an idiot.”

“Results are still out on that one, Stoney,” Cole teases.

“Are we leaving the tub alone?” I check, glancing at the large Jacuzzi tub.

“Yeah, don’t touch that. It’s the shower, the sinks, and the flooring. This place is going to look amazing once we’re done with it.”

“Let’s get to work then,” Ollie says, rubbing his hands together eagerly.

I’m on floor duty, working for the next hour to replace all the old, grimy tiles with the new stone tile. It would be a hell of a lot easier to get done if I didn’t have to work around everyone else as they replace the countertops and work on the shower, but we have to get this done today before Dare gets home from his shop, so we’ll make do.

“I have a bit of news for you guys,” Cole says while we work.

“You and Ren finally set a date for the wedding?” Ollie guesses.

“Finally?” Cole repeats indignantly. “We got engaged like two months ago. It’s not like we’ve been dragging our feet for ages.”

“Give him a break,” Stone defends Ollie. “He’s never had an engagement last longer than half an hour before they’re on a plane to Vegas.”

Cole laughs, and I join in, but out of the corner of my eye, I catch Ollie wincing before pasting on a good-natured smile. Maybe the Ollie’s had three quickie weddings bit has worn out its welcome.

“Anyway, as I was saying,” Cole goes on. “Yes, we set a date.”

“Well, tell us already. Or do you need a fucking drum roll?” Stone jokes.

“March thirty-first…in Hawaii,” he reveals excitedly.

“Hawaii? Kick ass,” Stone says.

“That’ll be great,” Ollie agrees.

The end of March, that’s almost six months away. Maybe I’ll have worked up the balls to come out to Val by then. I let

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