Hardwood - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,18

Mia and Jordy. Mia is a stereotypical lesbian complete with a career as a gym teacher, a Range Rover, and a favorite pair of Doc Martens.” His pretty friend glares at him, and then laughs, so the teasing must not be out of line. Thank god for friends who give each other shit, at least I don’t have to shed every inch of my normal comfort zone. “And Jordy and I met in college, and he hasn’t managed to shake me yet. He’s a botanist, so be nice to him, because he knows way too much about poisons derived from plants.” Jordy offers an evil smile, but only manages to hold it for a few seconds before reverting to a friendly, somewhat shy expression.

“You’re Livi’s gym teacher,” I say, recognizing Mia from the parent teacher conference. “It’s nice to meet you both. I’m guessing Wats has already told you both all about me, but I’m Ev, closeted gay contractor,” I introduce myself wryly, realizing this is the first time I’ve said the word out loud to anyone, and I didn’t even stumble over it. “Wow, why was that so much easier to say to strangers than to the people I’m closest to?” I muse.

“Because you don’t know us, so there aren’t any stakes,” Mia answers with a sympathetic smile.

“I hadn’t thought of it that way.” I tug on the bill of my cap and shift nervously on my feet. “I should grab a drink.” I point my thumb at the bar.

“I’ve got it,” Watson says. “I promised you a drink if you showed up.”

“You don’t have to,” I assure him.

“Sit the hell down, and let me be nice,” he says, the sweetness of his voice at odds with the forcefulness of his words.

I chuckle and pull out a chair. “Fine, if you’re going to be pushy about it,” I concede. “Jack and Coke, please.”

“You got it.” He nods. “Anyone else?” Both his friends hold up their half full glasses and grin at him. “Fine, one round on me, but one of you can pay for the next one.”

“Deal,” Mia agrees.

Watson drains the remains of his own drink and then makes his way up to the bar. I watch as he weaves through the crowd, stopping to say hi to a few different people on his way up. One man gives him a flirty grin and flicks Watson’s purple bowtie, which prompts Watson to give him a stern glare and bat his hand away. I know he mentioned he hangs out here a lot, and it’s obvious everyone here seems to know him. I’ve been going to Wooley’s for years, and I’ve hardly spoken to anyone outside of my small group of friends. Sure, on occasion I might play a round of darts with someone random, but I haven’t made other friends or acquaintances.

I love the smile on his face as he greets everyone along his way, the confident swagger he walks with. Will I ever feel that comfortable in my own skin? That free? Fuck, I want to.

“So, aside from your kid and your job, what’s your story?” Mia asks conversationally, drawing my attention away from staring at Wats.

“Not much to be honest,” I admit. “I work, I spend time with Livi, that’s about it.” I shrug, realizing how pathetic that sounds. “It’s not a glamorous life, but it works for me.”

“I think it sounds nice,” Jordy offers.

Watson returns with all of our drinks.

“To new friends,” Watson says, holding up his glass. I clank mine against his, and we both drink.

“Oh my god, I love this song,” Mia says, looking longingly over at the makeshift dance floor on the other side of the room.

“I’m not dancing with you,” Jordy says flatly, and she sticks her bottom lip out in a pout. “Ugh, fine, but only one song.”

She grins, grabbing his arm and dragging him away.

“No way is she letting him get away after one song,” Watson says with amusement, shaking his head.

“Your friends seem nice.”

“They are,” he agrees. “What are your friends like?”

I tell him about how I met Cole, Ollie, and Stone, how we started the business, and how our friendship has grown over the years along with our partnership.

“They can be dumbasses, but I love them,” I conclude.

“I can tell.” He reaches over and puts a hand on my arm. “I’m sure they won’t care that it took you so long to come out to them.”

“Oh, no, they’ll rib me about it, but it’ll be fine,” I agree.


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