Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,79

quick glance at my watch, I crinkle my nose. “And speaking of, I’m running late. He’s going to be here any minute and I still have to get changed.”

“Go.” Dad waves me off. “I’ll keep an eye out for him at the bar and invite him myself.”

“Thanks Dad.”

I leave the bar and head up to my apartment through the storage room. There’s a party tonight for the team at Jude and Kate’s house about fifteen minutes away and Sebastian’s asked me to go with him. At first, I balked, but when he asked me again, I realized how important it is to him for me to be seen with him and meet his friends. Of course I said yes. They’re his family, too.

But, it’s my first time hanging out with them outside the bar, so I’ve been fretting ever since he mentioned it. What in the heck do I wear to a party put on by professional athletes getting ready for the playoffs where they all make millions and drive cars like Sebastian’s Maserati?

I have three dresses I threw on my bed earlier today, all black, all pretty casual. I grab one with loose sleeves, a wide boatneck collar with a thick band of waist. The bottom is short, barely covering my butt as I tug it down over my hips and drag my hair from beneath the dress, I’m grinning in the mirror.

In honor of playoffs and their first two games in round one being at home, I updated my hair to a brighter teal, streaks of blue and blond mixed in. My hair is the color of the team.

Sebastian laughed his ass off and then kissed me senseless when he saw it the other day.

Dressed and ready to go, I head back to the bar through the storage room. I already told Sebastian to meet me at the bar when he picked me up, but that was because I figured I’d be there already so I’m not the least bit surprised when I find him, sitting on the stool, chatting with my dad when I walk down the hallway toward him.

Like always, my breath stalls and restarts upon seeing him. He’s dressed in dark blue jeans and a simple gray dress shirt.

His hair is down and wavy, brushing beneath his dress shirt color.

My heels click, click, click on the wood floor, getting his attention. Feminine pride suffuses my chest at the way he looks at me.

Like he’s already mentally picturing stripping me out of the dress later.

Yeah. I made the right choice.

“Have a good night, Dad,” I say as I reach Sebastian.

He’s already standing from his stool, arm and hand outstretched to take my hand in his.

“You too. Be safe.” He glances at Sebastian. “We’ll see you Sunday then?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Have a good night, George.”

“You too, son.”

Sebastian’s eyes widen and then he blinks. When he refocuses his attention on me, whatever caught him by surprise is gone. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I flush under his praise. “Ready when you are.”

“I’m ready. Absolutely.”

For what, remains the question.

Jude’s house is spectacular. Kate has given me the tour which has led to a movie room similar to Sebastian’s, a library I could live in for days and forget to come up for air. The home, while as big as Sebastian’s, is so much warmer. Kate has gone on and on how she had found some super cute antique and refurbished boutique stores on the Main Street where she lives. She said when she first moved in, Jude had a couch and television and the basics, but she’s been spending time getting it decorated exactly how she wants it. Paisley joined us, claiming she needed to be walking so Angelo, her son in her arms, can fall asleep.

When I ask how old he is, she gives me the strangest response. “His birth certificate says July sixth. Mikah and I are planning a huge Fourth of July party for him, so make sure you and Sebastian are there.”

“His birth certificate?” I ask. Let’s hop right over the hope Sebastian and I are still together in three months.

“Oh, you don’t know?” She flips a hand in the air and laughs. “That’s how we met. Angelo here was dropped off on Mikah’s doorstep and I was his neighbor.”

She trails off, telling me the entire story of how they met, fell in love while bonding over the baby Mikah hadn’t known existed with some puck bunny. My eyes grow so big during the entire thing

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