Hard Checked (Ice Kings #4) - Stacey Lynn Page 0,53

one eyebrow arched.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

I lick my lips and shrug. Reaching for the door handle behind me, I tease him. “Passable as decent.”

“Ouch.” His hand goes to his chest.

“Maybe you need more practice, hotshot.” I wink and flush with happy thoughts as his smile widens. “I’ll see you later?”

“I’ll be the guy at the bar waiting for closing time. Go. If you don’t mind, I need a minute.”

I peek down. I can’t help myself. Not with that innuendo. When I do, he adjusts himself and well, hey there… it looks like there’s a lot to adjust.

“Nice,” I say, flashing another wink before I hurry out the door. “Take your time!”

Chapter Eighteen


I’ve spent hours sitting here, drumming my thumbs on the bar top. I’ve only had a few drinks. The last thing I need to do tonight is be too drunk for whatever comes next. The problem is I’ve had hours to figure out exactly what that next step is and I’m uncertain how to proceed.

I’ve had sex with one woman in my entire life.

Before tonight, I’ve kissed one woman—unless you count Macy Johnston in the sixth grade at a pool party during a not-so-innocent pre-teen game of Truth or Dare.

I skipped right over the wild “sowing your oats” phase when the guys in college and early years making pros were plowing through women like they plowed through their millions. It’s never once interested me. And it’s not only because I had Madison.

When I was eleven, I made a girl cry getting off the school bus because I told her I didn’t like her and didn’t want to be her friend. My father found out, sat me down and told me that a woman’s heart is her most precious possession. Her body is the second. As a man, you treat the latter with absolute respect and the first with absolute tenderness.

I was young, but my dad’s a man of a few words, few times of seriousness. It was our first serious, man-to-man conversation, and it stuck.

Which means, I should probably figure out exactly what I want out of this night with Gigi before I charge forward and for the first time, ignore that advice from my dad.

The only thing I’m certain of is that my body wants her. Her lips were softer than I could have possibly imagined. She tasted like fresh life and sweetness.

She felt better than a warm towel wrapped around you right out of the shower when it’s thirty degrees below zero in a Minnesota winter.

It’s closing time and while I offered to help Gigi and Dom clean up and take care of empties, she insisted I sit down, enjoy my glass of water and it’d go faster with me sitting there than it would if I helped.

Not exactly the best compliment I’ve ever received, but I listen and soon, she’s waving goodbye to Dom who leaves through the front door. She stands next to it while the guy who has several inches on me looms over Gigi and gives me a look before he leaves and she locks the door behind him.

“I’m almost done,” she says, turning to me with a look of exhaustion stamped all over her face and weighing down her slumped shoulders.

“I’m more than capable of helping you wipe down tables.”

“I’m sure you can, but I have a system.” She comes to me then and places her hand on my cheek like she’s done it every hour, every day, for years.

It shoots warmth straight below my waist.

“I’m not trying to offend you.”

She hides a yawn behind her other hand and shakes her head.

“Hey, if you’re tired, I can take off.”

“And if you want to do that, I won’t try to talk you out of it, but since you were so honest earlier, maybe it’s my turn. Since the night you passed out in my bed and woke up in it, I’ve been hoping I’d get another chance at that scenario without the hangover and hazy memories.”

Shit. Damn. This girl. She’s so petite she only has a couple inches on me. It’s the perfect height for me to slide my arm to her lower back and pull her forward so she’s between my legs.

“I want that too, Georgia.” I kiss her quickly and when I pull back, it takes her a moment to open her eyes. When she does, her smile is lazy, and my dick is hardening.

Yeah. I want a night in her bed, whatever that means.

“No one actually calls me

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