Happy Mother's Day! - By Sharon Kendrick Page 0,83

there some secret message in her smile?

When she found herself on the brink of asking a particularly lovely woman if she had ever been Francesco’s lover Erin knew she had let things get out of hand. She excused herself and took refuge in the ladies’ room.

It was unfortunate that when she emerged a short while later almost able to laugh at her paranoia, the first thing she saw was her husband locked in a passionate embrace with a tall, leggy blonde.

As Francesco came up for air, his dark, sleek hair dishevelled from the clinch, his eyes met Erin’s over the woman’s shoulder. If he had displayed some sort of remorse or guilt that would have been something, but instead he rolled his eyes and gave a wry grin as if inviting her to share the joke. The humour died from his face to be replaced by concern and puzzlement as he saw Erin’s expression.

As he bodily put the tipsy blonde away from him and took a step towards her Erin gathered her long skirts in one hand and fled, not caring about the startled and speculative looks her exit drew.

Francesco caught up with her outside.

His initial concern quickly turned to annoyance when she rashly accused him of humiliating her.

‘Do not be ridiculous,’ he recommended curtly. ‘Diane is totally harmless. She has just had a little too much to drink. If I wanted to embark on an illicit affair I would hardly advertise the fact to five hundred people who know me.’

‘Have you ever slept with her?’ The moment the words were out of her mouth she regretted them, but it was too late. Francesco’s expression had frozen into one of icy displeasure.

‘What I did before we were married is none of your business.’

‘But what you do after is.’

‘I am not your father, Erin.’

The soft words stopped Erin in her tracks. ‘This has nothing whatever to do with my parents’ marriage.’

He angled a dark brow. ‘You’re not stupid; I don’t think you really believe that.’

Erin shook her head. ‘I want to leave,’ she said, flinching away when he touched her shoulder.

Francesco looked down at her, disdain and anger etched on his patrician features. ‘We will not leave yet.’

‘You can do what the hell you like!’ she yelled back. ‘I’m leaving. You stay; I’m sure you won’t be lonely.’

‘Dio!’ he breathed. Eyes narrowed, he stood there, the angles and planes of his face thrown into sharp relief by the lights illuminating the tree behind him.

‘You seem determined to push me into another woman’s arms,’ he observed in a voice that seemed clean of all emotion. ‘Be careful, Erin—you just might get your wish,’ he warned before turning and striding towards the façade of the brightly illuminated building without a backward glance.


ERIN physically shaking in reaction to the row, had hailed a cab and returned to their hotel suite; by this time doubts about the moral high ground she had claimed had crept in. Her selfrighteous anger had been the only thing holding back the tears and when that had dissipated the floodgates had opened and she had flung herself on the bed and wept.

Examining her tear-stained face in the mirror when the storm had subsided, she had forced herself to look at the evening’s events through Francesco’s eyes.

It had not made pleasant viewing!

‘You’ve got a problem,’ she told her reflection.

Still, problems had solutions, and Erin gave the matter a lot of serious thought as she stood under the reviving spray of the shower.

She decided that she had to be totally open and frank with Francesco. She genuinely thought that they could work this through together … she just hoped that after tonight he still thought their marriage was worth the effort!

Despite all her protests it was pretty hard under the circumstances to continue to claim that her parents’ dysfunctional marriage had not left its mark. When it came to men she had some serious trust issues.

It wasn’t that she actually believed deep down that Francesco had any intention of being unfaithful. Her aggressive overreaction that evening had more to do with her deepseated and previously unacknowledged fear that if faced with a similar situation she would react as her mother had.

Erin awaited his return with a mixture of trepidation and resolution. She would not give up on this marriage. It was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Francesco was the best thing that had ever happened to her!

By three-thirty she was feeling less upbeat.

Around six-thirty she finally realised Francesco

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