Happiness Key - By Emilie Richards Page 0,96

a sister, marrying the only man Janya had ever loved.

chapter eighteen

On Friday evening Lee stopped by to see how the week had gone, and Tracy invited him to sit on her patio. He had brought a bottle of wine to celebrate her success in her new job, and she opened smoked oysters and crackers.

“Today the schedule felt right,” she concluded, after a brief account of the kids’ activities, and the way both staff and campers had adjusted. “They were moving in and out of time slots without a lot of fuss. We’ve got them sorted into ability groups for sports and swimming. I even found an arts-and-crafts teacher, but she got a better job offer before I could get back to her.”

“So what’s the craft plan for next week?”

“I guess we’re going to do shell art. I bought a bunch of foam balls, and they can glue shells on them. It was the best I could do on the spur of the moment. Crafts aren’t my thing. If I can’t find anybody to fill the slot, I’m going to see if I can bribe a couple of local artists to share the position. They can make more selling decoupaged beer bottles and knitted tea cozies on Saturdays down at the beach, but I’ll try.”

She spooned an oyster on a cracker and popped it in her mouth. “We had a girl drop out. She has some kind of allergy to chlorine and the whole center reeks of it, so she was breaking out.”

“That can’t be good.”

Lee was wearing blue again. Tracy wondered if somebody had told him he ought to.

“That’s my lead-in,” she said, pulling herself back into the conversation before she started panting. “So now we have an opening for Olivia. Why don’t you enroll her, Lee? We have a waiting list for younger children, but no one fits into that slot as well as she would. She’s the same age as the girl who left.”

“I considered it. But I worry about Alice.”

“The regular program’s just until three, no different really from school hours. And I saw Olivia on Wednesday, and she says she’s already bored. Vacation just started.”

“She shouldn’t be complaining to you.” He sounded annoyed.

Lee was a strict father. Olivia’s manners were excellent, and she was a child who knew better than to cause a fuss. Tracy wondered exactly what went on at home, how Lee made certain his daughter toed the line without breaking her spirit.

“She wasn’t complaining,” she assured him. “I asked her how she was doing. And I know there’s very little to do out here except watch seagulls and chase fiddler crabs.” She sent him the smile she had practiced in front of a mirror as a teenager. “Lee, I also told her I’d ask you if she can get her ears pierced. That was my idea, not hers, but she would look so cute. Now that her hair’s short and her ears are so visible.”

“Did she complain about her hair, too?”

She wasn’t happy with the way this subject was going. “Olivia isn’t a complainer. Like I said, the earrings were my idea.”

“She was unhappy about her hair, but I guess she’s over it now. Is this what I’ll have to deal with when she becomes a teenager?”

“When she gets to be a teenager, she’ll just ignore you.”

“Oh, I don’t think so….”

She laughed. “Mean old Lee. Anyway, I don’t think you’ll need to worry. She’s got a level head. She’s a great kid.”

“So you really want her in your program?”

“She’ll be the best kind of influence on the others. Maybe she’ll even teach Bay Egan some manners.”

“I’ll think about it.” He left it at that and went on to tell her about his week. She could see he was discouraged that a sale had fallen through, but he seemed pleased that the brochures he’d printed for Happiness Key were going out in the mail on Monday.

“You’re a whiz,” she said. “I have a feeling you’ll be the one to sell it.”

He checked his watch. “The Realtors’ association is having a barbecue on Sagmore Beach, and I’ve got to show up and make nice all night. I would have asked you to come, but I can’t imagine doing that to somebody I like so well.”

She got up to walk him to his car. “Make some good contacts and get good leads.”

“I’ll think about the earrings.”

“Great. I’ll take her to have it done if you like. Just let me know.”

The phone rang as Lee drove up

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