Happiness Key - By Emilie Richards Page 0,178

Olivia’s artistic talents.”

“Yes, I understand she’s been bothering you at home. She won’t anymore.”

“She’s a lovely little girl and never a bother. I wonder if you have time to come and see some of her artwork?”

Now he looked annoyed. “I just said I have to check on Alice.”

Wanda broke in. “You certainly did, but I could check on her for you. Why don’t I, while Janya shows you Olivia’s drawings? I can take her the flowers, too, let her know we’re thinking about her. I won’t tire her out.”

“Ladies, it’s starting to rain. I’ll let you know when it’s appropriate to see Alice.” He moved around them and toward the house.

Wanda kept up with him. “You know, I hate to say it, but you’re right about the rain. I don’t think we can make it back now without getting soaked, not until it slows a little. What were we thinking?”

“Oh, I think you’ll be okay if you head right home. You can probably beat the worst of it.”

On the steps, he opened the screen door and reached in his pocket for his key. There was a slight overhang, and Wanda got right up next to him so that opening the door would be a challenge.

“I wish it weren’t so,” she said, “but I always catch a cold if I get caught in a downpour like this. Something about the change in temperature, maybe. Would you mind too much if we just wait inside a little while?”

Now his anger was unmistakable. “What is it with you women?” Then he frowned. “What’s going on here?”

“Just the rain, far as I can tell. They say it’s linked to that tropical storm coming up the—”

He ignored her, and, without inserting the key, he twisted the knob. The door opened with a flourish, nearly knocking Wanda in the face. He cursed; then in a moment he was inside and Wanda heard the lock click into place.

“Around back,” she told Janya. “Ditch the flowers.”

Until she heard the car pulling up, Tracy had hoped she could move the dresser and get Alice to the back door. Now she knew that was impossible. Her best chance was to get Alice out through the window, the same way she herself had come in. In the time since she’d heard the car, she had managed to drag Alice upright and almost far enough. Alice had awakened twice and attempted to help, but Tracy was sure she was heavily drugged. Alice’s mental state was no longer in question. She had managed, even under the influence of something mind altering, to try to protect herself.

No, Alice was not the problem.

Tracy could hear voices out front. The low rumble of a man’s, the higher pitch of a woman’s, maybe even two. She knew her friends had come to help, that they were trying to keep Lee from entering the house, but she also knew it was only a matter of time until he did. She wasn’t sure what he could do. Or what he would do when he found her here. She was close to panic. Then the voices stopped, and she heard the front door open.

Alice slumped against her. Tracy summoned what strength she could and dragged her a little farther.

She heard the bedroom doorknob turn, heard Lee cursing when he realized he couldn’t get in. The storm had arrived with full fury. Rain was pouring through the broken window and flooding the floor, but she continued to haul Alice upright and position her at the window. Figures materialized on the other side, and through the sheets of rain she saw Wanda and Janya.

Wanda immediately realized what to do. She reached inside, beckoning. “Quick, a little closer.”

Alice rallied. Maybe it was the water streaming over her, but she revived a little and tried desperately to reach for Wanda.

Tracy heard Lee kicking the door, and she knew they had only moments before the dresser was shoved aside.

“Killed Karen…” Alice shook her head, as if she were shaking away fog. “Trying to kill…me.”

Tracy got behind Alice and wrapped her arms around her, pushing her toward Wanda and Janya, who was now perched on the sill grasping Alice’s nightgown.

The door flew open with a bang, and Wanda screamed. “Watch out!”

Tracy turned just enough to see Lee charging into the room. She pushed Alice toward the other women and faced him. Then she threw her hands in front of her and shoved him with all the strength she had left. He stumbled backward, then caught his

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