Happily Ever After Collection - Melanie Moreland Page 0,106

“I love your family.”

I settled beside her, laying my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair in long, tender strokes. “They love you very much, you know,” she whispered.

“I know. Judging from the number of pictures and embarrassing stories, they love me a great deal,” I grumped, even though I wasn’t at all angry—or surprised.

“I want that,” she said quietly.

I lifted my head, meeting her eyes. “Want what, Jenny Wren?”

“Books full of pictures. Memories to share. Stores to tell. Growing up with divorced parents who never really wanted you, I had none of that. I have a small box of pictures my dad had, but my mom was always too busy to bother with stuff like that.”

I heard her hurt. Saw the pain in her eyes. I hated knowing how lonely and insecure she had been growing up. I vowed she would never feel that way again in her lifetime. I cupped the back of her neck, bringing her mouth to mine. “You’ll have it—all of it. We’re going to build a great life together. I promise.”

She sighed, her breath washing over me. I kissed her, slanting my mouth over hers and sliding my tongue into her sweet mouth. I kissed her until she forgot her sadness. Forgot where we were, except that I was there with her. I pulled her under me, pressing her into the mattress, covering her with my body, and keeping her in that moment with me.

She pulled away, her cheeks flushed, her mouth swollen. “Do you plan on having sex with me in your parents’ house?” she whisper-yelled.

“As often as I can,” I responded. “Every story they tell, every picture they show, I’m keeping track. This is me getting even.”

She blinked. Then grinned. “Just asking.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “Do you know how often I fantasized about having a girl in my bedroom? You have a lot to live up to.”

She slid her hand between us, cupping my erection. “I think I’m up for the challenge.”

“I’m counting on it.”

The weekend went too fast for all of us. For the first time since I moved, my parents decided it was time to come for a visit. Carly had come to see me a couple of times, but they had never made the trip back to Ontario. Now, apparently, a trip was needed. I was thrilled, and I knew it was because of Jenny—and I was good with that.

Goodbyes were tearful, and Jenny sniffled into a tissue on the plane. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

“We’ll go back next year, Wren. They’re going to come visit in the spring.”

“That’s so far away.”

I chuckled. “I’ve waited a long time for that visit. It’s only a few months. I guarantee you Carly will be calling you with flight times for a visit much sooner.”

That brightened her up. She and my sister had gotten along well.

“Good.” She wiped her eyes. “Your family is great.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “They are pretty cool.” I met her gaze. “They’re your family now too, you know.”

Her eyes lit, bright and happy. “Then I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”

I kissed her. “I’m feeling pretty damn lucky myself.”


Thank God it was Friday. In the weeks since we’d returned from my parents’, the days had been long, the nights and weekends too short, and time had flown by as I studied hard. Now, I was off until after the Christmas holidays, and I was looking forward to the break and spending some quality time with Jenny—and inside her.

It didn’t matter how often we made out like teenagers, fucked like rabbits, or made love—it wasn’t enough. I’d never get enough of her. I knew from the day she first smiled at me and let me take her hand, she was it for me. I waited, and when I finally could show her, tell her how I felt, my life changed and only for the better.

My hand closed around the small box in my pocket.

Tonight, I planned to show her exactly how much she had changed it.

I sighed in contentment. My head rested on Jenny’s lap, her hand rhythmically stroking through my hair as we sat in the darkness, the only light in the room the soft glow of the Christmas tree in the corner. I loved those quiet moments with her when it was just the two of us alone. Her eyes were unfocused as she gazed at the tree, a soft smile on her lips while she played with

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