Hangovers and Holidays - Heather Long Page 0,86

back to the smell of sex all over the room after a run is one thing. I don’t necessarily want to share the fun that early.”

“But you’re not opposed to later in the day?” Coop asked, a faint smirk on his lips.

Archie shot me a considering look. I gave up on pretending I wasn’t blushing. It wasn’t so much that this whole conversation was embarrassing—I mean, it was—but it was more that we were talking about this so openly and they were all be so relaxed about it.

Rubbing his thumb against his lower lip, Archie said, “If Frankie isn’t opposed—I’ll try anything once.”

All the breath whooshed out of me at that admission. Coop’s grin just grew. He’d made his desires more than clear. He and Jake both for that matter. I had a feeling it was only a matter of time before we dove into the next step, and as nerve-racking as it might be, I grew more curious with each subsequent day.

“I’m open to it,” Ian said slowly, and I tracked my gaze over to him. The intensity in his eyes was like a pair of candles burning hot. They scorched me as he swept me from head to toe. We’d only had a handful of times alone together, but he’d easily become the most demanding of the four of them in very specific ways. I hadn’t realized how much I’d like being tied up or spanked.

Though the latter was something both Jake and Archie liked to do, but not the way Ian did it.

Or maybe they just hadn’t worked their way up there.

Fuck. A delicious shiver raced over me, and Ian’s smile turning knowing. “But I want the caveat that if anyone is uncomfortable, we shift the plan,” Ian continued.

“Agreed.” The swiftness of the word spilling from the others left me as the last one.

“Absolutely,” I said.

“Then we just figure out what we all like,” Archie mused, then he grinned. “Any more tough topics, babe?”

I groaned. “I don’t know if I could survive any more at the moment.” All the blood was in my face, but at least there was no fear of my cheeks getting cold. Probably not any time in this century.

They chuckled.

“Cool,” Coop said, bouncing to his feet and holding a hand out to me. “Let’s get changed and go play in the snow.”

I clasped his hand and let him pull me to my feet, but he picked me right up and kissed me. His tongue delved against mine, twisting, twining, tasting, and stroking until I was shaking.

“You think he’s going to remember she wanted to go play in the snow?” Jake’s dry question made Archie and Ian both laugh.

Lifting his head, Coop winked at me and thankfully didn’t put me back down on my rubbery legs. “I just wanted to have my first kiss on the mountain,” he said. “You know, a real one.”

A laugh escaped, especially when he quirked a brow as he set me on my feet. I gripped his arms for balance as I got my wobbly legs under me.

“Anyway…last one outside has to sleep in their own room tonight.” Coop bolted for the stairs before the last word left his lips.

“Fuck,” Jake swore and tore after him with Ian right behind him. Archie stared at me with a bemused expression, and I had to wonder if I wore the same one.

“Do you think he knows I’ll be the last one?” I had to ask, and Archie threw his head back and laughed before he offered me his arm. Threading my arm through his, I bumped his hip with mine as we headed for the stairs.

“I don’t know,” he said as we ascended the steps. It wasn’t hard to hear the guys laughing and shit talking each other across the halls as they changed. “I could take my time and then all I have to do is lure you to my room tonight.”

He paused at my door and pressed me right up against it.


“Um…” I said, flattening my hand against his chest. Fuck, I really did like having my wrist out of the cast. “I win?”

His laughter echoed up the hall and carried just enough wickedness that Jake stuck his head out the door. “What are you two plotting?”

“Nothing,” Archie denied before brushing a kiss to my lips and opening my door to nudge me inside. I bit my lip, but I couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling up. He made a shooing motion, and I blew him a kiss. Closing

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