Hangovers and Holidays - Heather Long Page 0,111

the bathroom and then off again. A minute later, he smoothed a warm washcloth along my ass, and I let out a little sigh.

Definitely sore.

Not unpleasantly so, but I swore I almost whined at the contact. He chuckled.


Then between them, they eased me over, and Coop and I both let out a sigh.

“This whole no condom thing is freaking messy,” I complained, and that just made them both laugh.

“But worth it,” they both stated in almost the same breath, and I groaned as Jake nudged me onto my back and then he ran that washcloth up between my legs. A fine tremble took me everywhere as he cleaned me up. Then Coop dragged himself off the bed. By the time they stripped the cover off the bed and tucked me under the blankets and fell in on either side, I was already half-asleep.

I didn’t want to just pass out though. “I feel like I should say something profound,” I admitted as Coop rested a hand on my stomach, and Jake rolled onto his side. They’d killed the lights, but the flickering light from the fire danced over his features.


“Uh huh, but all I can come up with is wow.”

A smile cracked across his face, and he nuzzled a kiss to my jaw and then pressed a light one on my lips. “Wow works.”

“Agreed,” Coop said, his voice still thready and a little out there. I turned my head to look at him, but he had an arm over his eyes and he looked mostly asleep. If not for the way his fingers traced against my skin, I would think he was. “Definitely wow. Wow fits.”

A giggle escaped me. “We’re so erudite.”

Groaning, Jake nipped my ear. “You don’t need to use SAT words in bed. Fucking awesome and blissed the fuck out work, too.”

True words. “Definitely blissed out.” A random shiver raced through me. “We can do that again, right?” Maybe when I could pay more attention instead of just falling apart.

Silence greeted my question, they both looked at me like I was a bit of an idiot.

“So that’s a yes,” I said, and then smirked as I stretched. Oh, there was that ache again. I wasn’t so sure how I felt about Coop taking my ass now that we’d done that, because he was definitely bigger than the other guys. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Wish granted.”

His shoulders and chest shook with his laughter.

“Mine, too,” Jake told me, and I gave him a soft kiss, too. “But I have other wishes.”


“Hmm-hmm,” he said, tracing his fingers over my collarbone. “I think I’m going to get a tattoo on my birthday.”

That didn’t surprise me. Jake had mentioned wanting to get one before.

“We could do that,” Coop said. “I’ve been thinking about what I would like.”

“What do you want to get?” The idea of a tattoo fascinated me, but it was permanent art that wasn’t going anywhere, and I had no idea what I wanted. At least not yet.

“I have a few ideas,” Jake murmured as his voice thickened with sleep. “How about I get your name tattooed on my ass, Frankie? Make sure everyone knows who I belong to.”

“If you’re showing people your ass before they find out, you’re gonna get in trouble,” Coop teased, and I grinned.

“You should get something pretty,” I mused. “Or badass.”

“You’re pretty,” Coop quipped.

“And badass,” Jake agreed. “But really, I was thinking about a dragon maybe.”

“Oh, I like dragons. Eastern or Western?”

“Wings,” Jake said after a beat. “So western. Got a color preference?”

I chuckled. “I’m not picking out your ink, you have to do that.”

“But I want you to like it.”

I smiled at him, meeting his gaze in the low light. “I’ll love it because it will be a part of you.”

“You can’t go too complicated though,” Coop said around a yawn. “Those take time. Maybe something simple at first, then we go find a place at home and get the complicated ones done.”

“What are you getting?”

“No clue.” Coop snuggled up against me. “What about you Frankie? Would you get a tattoo?”

“I don’t know… Though, if I tattooed all of your names, it could take a while.”

Silence followed, then there was a hum of sound from Jake, and I flicked him a look.

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

“A permanent mark that tells others to fuck off, you’re ours? Hell yes, I’m thinking about it.” Possessiveness filled his tone.

“Fuck,” Coop exhaled. “Now I’m thinking about it, too.” He traced his fingers up my side. “I’d

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