Hangovers and Holidays - Heather Long Page 0,103

I moved around the circle, giving each of them a long, if gentle kiss. Coop caught the back of my head and deepened it until I was half-panting when he let me go. Apparently, that was all the encouragement Archie needed to drag me onto his lap as part of his kiss, and the sudden déjà vu to our first night sent a thrill through me as his fingers slid right under the seam of my bikini bottoms to stroke my ass.

I bit his lower lip, and he groaned before he sucked on my tongue, and I was definitely not even a little chilled. With reluctance, I pulled away and moved back to Ian, and he set his beer aside to kiss me deep, dirty, and raw. This Ian took my breath away every time. It was like any restraint he’d held on himself since our first kiss had all but disintegrated. The erection rubbing against my ass was a reminder that I wasn’t the only one getting turned on.

Gulping in air, I sank back into my spot for all of two seconds before Jake dragged me over into his lap, and the gentleness in the kiss gave way to something far fiercer. I wasn’t just playing with fire anymore, I’d definitely lit the blaze.

“Better,” he murmured before tracing my lips with a finger. “I was trying to be polite, I should have known better.”

A giddy laugh escaped me as he settled me back on the seat between him and Ian. When Ian handed me my wine, I grinned at them.

“Not that I’m objecting to the kiss, Angel, but was that for something in particular?”

“Because I wanted to,” I told him, and then glanced around our little circle and met each gaze one at a time. “And because I loved the roses, thank you.”

The smirk on Archie’s face was perfect, as was Coop’s and Jake’s deep laughter. Ian just nodded at me, then winked. “You think we don’t always listen, but we do.”

“No,” I told him softly. “I know you do. I’m just as guilty of being dense, you know.”

“Truth,” Coop announced. “But you’re with us now, right?” The look in his gray-green eyes made my heart stutter, the conversation we’d had on the mountain so close and fresh in my mind.

“Yes,” I said, then drained the last of the wine. He chuckled at me and moved to grab the bottle, and I passed him my glass. Jake tipped up his beer and took a long swallow. It was hard to look away from the motion of his throat.

Honestly, it was hard to look away from any of them.

“As I was saying,” Archie cut back in. “Before I was so gloriously interrupted.”

I laughed.

“I got us some edibles to try. There’s gummies. Chocolate. Cookies. A little bit of everything. But I thought it might help some of us relax and experiment as we like.” The last had to be directed at me, but then he focused on me as Coop returned my newly filled wine glass. “There is absolutely no pressure.”

“Well, I’m definitely curious,” Jake admitted, and he pressed a kiss to my temple before shifting to grab the chocolate from the tray I’d been looking at before. He took a bite, and we were all watching him as he chewed it thoughtfully. “Peanut butter,” he admitted, and then washed it down with his beer.

At my face, he chuckled and tugged me close for a kiss.

Beer and chocolate, ugh. I smacked his chest, and he rumbled with laughter. “Want to try a bite, Baby Girl?” He held up the second half of the piece he’d eaten, and I pursed my lips.

“Are we going to get stupid and say ridiculous stuff?”

“Maybe,” he said with a shrug. “We’re all safe here, right?”

I trusted all of them, right? That was the unspoken question. “I have never been high,” I admitted. “Except for like, the pain drugs, and then I was just asleep.”

“You were adorable, even when you were sleeping,” Coop told me. “But you don’t have to.” He popped a couple of the gummies, and Archie had a cookie in his hand. He locked gazes with me as he took a bite, and even Ian had stretched past me to snag one of the pieces of chocolate.

“What the hell,” I said. “You only live once.” I opened my mouth and Jake fed me the chocolate. It was very peanut buttery, and I had to scrape it off my teeth with my tongue before washing

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