Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,88

once, then twice, and angle my head to see Tyler watching us. “He…told you.”

“He gave me the heads up about Shannon. Told me the police were on the way.”

Shannon is squirming and cursing at the cop as he walks her toward us.

I try to quiet my racing mind. “Are you saying Shannon was behind it?” I mean it seemed strange when she was trying to get into my trailer, but…no, it couldn’t be her, could it?

“Yes,” she was behind it,” Officer Walker says as he steps up to us. “She hired one of the vacationers to leave you a messages and scare you. Don’t worry, he’s headed to the station, and won’t be bothering you again.”

With my heart already broken, the shattered pieces crumble, and tears flood my eyes. Is there no one I can trust? No one who doesn’t want something, or isn’t out to harm me?

“Shannon?” I ask. “Why?”

She snarls at me. “Don’t play innocent with me, Haven. You’ve been stealing roles that should have gone to my daughter. She’s Hollywood elite, not you.” With a nod she gestures toward Tyler as he climbs into his truck. “You’re nothing but a slut, sleeping with everyone to get ahead, and causing nothing but trouble. You don’t deserve any of this,” she spits out.

I stand there stunned, my entire body too numb to move as the world crashes in around me. Officer Walker gives her a nudge to set her in to motion, and I turn to find Tyler driving away—leaving the set and my life forever.

“To my trailer now,” Mason commands, pulling my focus.

A big stupid hiccupping sob catches in my throat as I force my legs to work and blindly follow him. Honest to God, I can’t believe this is my life right now. I just lost the only man I ever truly loved, found out the one person on set I liked and trusted was out to hurt me, and now I’m about to lose this job, too.



It’s been nearly two full weeks since Haven accused me of doing something so ridiculous and underhanded that I’ve been walking around for days wanting to punch something. Hard. Is that what she thinks of me? That I’m the kind of guy who would do something like that?

When we first met, I told her she didn’t know me, and she didn’t. I didn’t know her either. Lord knows what we read in the papers is total and utter bullshit. Christ, if you went by what was written about me and Rock, you’d think we were mortal enemies. We’re not. He’s a good guy and a good friend, and he was there when I was going through a tough time, just like Haven was there for me when I found the DVDs. After spending all of our time together, I’m pretty sure I saw a side of her that she never knew existed. Haven found herself in my arms, discovered her likes and dislikes, and I loved watching her blossom beneath my touch. Nothing made me happier than watching her discover who she really was, and come to realize that person was pretty damn awesome.

I guess deep down, she didn’t know me, and I really didn’t know her. I never thought she’d jump to conclusions about me, and accuse me of tipping off the media for profit. That’s pretty fucked up and leads me back to one question—is that the kind of guy she thought I was? While she might have been learning who she was, she clearly hadn’t taken the time to get to know the real me. Maybe it just wasn’t that important to her.

Despite all that, despite the knife she shoved straight into my heart, I still would have stayed on to be her bodyguard—as fucked up as that sounds. But her safety was and still is, important to me, and I’d never let her or her brother down like that. Sure, he’s not going to like the idea that I was in his sister’s bed, but he’s going to be grateful that I watched out for her.

A noise at the door pulls my attention and my heart leaps as I spin. My gaze lands on Gram, and I have no idea why I thought—hoped—it was Haven. She’s gone. After Officer Walker arrived on the set, and arrested Shannon, they finished up the shoot quickly and cleared out, leaving no traces that they’d ever been here—physical traces to be precise. Haven’s presence is still imprinted on my heart.


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