Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,75

give her a smile to let her know she is safe, and we weren’t talking about her stalker. For the next hour, we eat, and laugh and my family is kind enough to tell Haven stories about me from our childhood. I don’t mind, though. I love the smile on her face. In fact, I love an awful lot about this woman.

We clear the dishes and Kylee brings out the chocolate cake, and Haven says, “I’m sure it tastes better than it looks.”

“It looks amazing,” Summer says, and we hear a cry from inside the house. Sean disappears and comes back with two bundles in his hands. He passes Jesse to Kylee, and sits Devon on his lap. Devon instantly grabs a fistful of cake and shoves it into his mouth.

“I think it’s good,” I say. “Devon’s eyes just lit up.”

We all laugh and moan in appreciation as we devour the cake and before we know it the sun is low on the horizon. Perfect for what I have planned. After a round of hugs, I toss my arm around Haven and lead her to my truck. The night air is warm, and I’ve never seen Haven look more content than right now—outside of bed, that is.

“Want to go for a ride?”

“Sure, it’s still early.”

We jump into the truck and I head for the old homestead. “I thought we were going for a ride,” she says when I park.

“We are. On my bike.”

“Oh,” she says her eyes wide.

“You up for that?”

She nods eagerly and I love the trust she has in me. “I am, but I’m in a dress.”

“Just keep your legs wrapped around me.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” she says and my dick twitches, liking the idea of that too.

I grab my spare helmet from my truck and put it on her head, fastening it tight. “It’s a bit big, but it will do for tonight.” I make a mental note to pick up a smaller helmet for her tomorrow.

I put my own helmet on, jump on my bike and balance it for her. She slides in behind me, and tightly wraps her legs around my body. Her warmth seeps into my skin as I start the bike and head out onto the winding road that follows the shoreline. Her hands hug me tight as she settles against me. I take my one hand off the bike and lightly rub her hands to make sure she’s warm.

We ride a little longer and when the sun disappears in the horizon and the stars dot the black canvas overhead, I make my way back to town. I find a parking spot on Main Street. I help her off the bike and remove her helmet. I grin as I look at her.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, you look adorable.”

“God, I have helmet hair, don’t I?” she asks and starts to smooth her hands over her mess of curls. I capture her hands and tug them away.

“Leave it. You always look great.”

She eyes me like she’s not sure she believes me. “Fine, what are we doing here?”

I gesture with a nod to Sugar’s. “Ice cream.”

“Oh, God, one dessert tonight was enough. I won’t fit into my clothes.”

“You’ll thank me for that. Sugar’s has the best ice cream in the world.”

“That’s a big claim, Ty.” I laugh and take her hand. The bell chimes overhead as we enter the ice cream shop and ten minutes later, as we’re strolling down Main Street and her moans reach my ears, I grin and turn to her.

“Am I right, or am I right?”

“You’re right. Best ice cream I’ve ever had.” She casts me a quick glance. “Best night I’ve ever had.”

“I thought the night we went fishing was the best night ever.”

She gives a noncommittal shrug. “I’m a woman, and it’s my right to change my mind,” she teases. “Seriously though, every night just keeps getting better and better.”

“What do you normally do on a Friday night?”

“Dinner with ‘friends’, but most nights I’m home alone.” She does air quotes around friends, and my heart squeezes. Everyone needs someone to count on. She has her brother, but he’s busy with his career, and I hate the thoughts of her home alone on a Friday night. “What about you?” she asks.

“Well, the guys and I normally go to Winchester’s and—”

She holds her ice cream free hand up to stop me. “Say no more,” she says with a laugh.

“For the record, this is much better.”

She smiles at me. “I think so too,”

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