Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,73

if it isn’t Tyler Owens,” he says.

“What do you want?”

He glances out the window. “Are you with Haven Roberts?”

I lean into him, an intimidation factor. “Who I’m with is none of your business. Don’t make me prove that the hard way.” His smile falters. “Look, I’m just going to my brother’s for a barbecue.” As much as I hate the media and the way they distort everything, I realize the guy is just trying to do his job. “How about this. Leave me alone, and maybe I can get you a pass onto the set or something?”

He pulls a card from his pocket and hands it to me. “Thanks, man.”

I glance at Haven, and catch her eyes in the rearview mirror as I put the card into my pocket. “Now take off.”

I back up as he leaves and when he’s out of my line of vision, I walk to the passenger side door and open it. “Taken care of,” I say.

“Thank you.” Balancing the cake, she carefully exits the car, and I put my hand on the small of her back. “Did you take his card?”

“Yeah,” is all I say. I don’t want to bother her with the details, or worry her. I’ll talk to Mason tomorrow about the media. I wasn’t a total prick to the guy, so hopefully he’ll do a nice spin.

She nods like she doesn’t really understand why I’d do that, and I go silent as the ocean breeze catches the hem of her summery dress, lifting it to expose her sleek legs. Her gaze leaves mine, and the lines around her frowning mouth smooth out as she takes in my brother’s place.

“Wow, so gorgeous,” she says. “Right on the beach. What a dream house.”

“You’d like a place on the beach?”

“I prefer the cabin. I like the privacy, and I like having you all to myself out there.”

I grin as we enter without knocking; no one ever expects me to knock. We step inside and I give more thought to turning the cabin into my permanent place. Maybe it really is time one of us puts the old place to use. Only problem is, I want to put it to use with Haven.

“We’re here,” I say in my outdoor voice and Kylee comes racing around the corner, her finger to her lip. “Oops, sorry,” I say with a grin as she cocks her head, listening for Jesse’s cries.

“Whew,” she says, and points a finger at me. “You’re lucky. We just got the boys down. They’re both super cranky and if you wake one of them, you’re on duty.”

I give her a salute. “On it.”

“I baked,” Haven says in a low voice and holds the cake out.

Kylee’s eyes go wide. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know.” She gives a casual shrug. “I wanted to.”

“Come on out back, Summer and Sean are already here.”

“Who else is coming?” I ask.

“Just us, when the other Owens boys get steady girlfriends, they’ll get an invite too. Until then, they don’t get Jamie’s awesome barbecue.”

“All the more reason to stay single,” I whisper and nudge Haven.

Kylee turns around. “I heard that.”

“I’m kidding. Jamie is a master chef.”

Outside we find Jamie at the barbecue and Sean and Summer sitting at the table, my brother nursing a beer, as Summer drinks what looks like lemonade.

“Hey so good to see you,” Summer stands—okay, more like moans and groans as she pushes to her feet—and gives Haven a hug.

“Um, hello,” I say. “Over here.” Summer rolls her eyes, and I crook my finger. “Bring it in sister,” I say, and she throws her arms around me.

“Bro,” I say as we all sit and Kylee sets a wine glass in front of Haven. “Red or white,” she says. “I’m not pregnant and I miss having a wine buddy.” She gives Haven a wide grin.

“Please be her wine buddy,” Summer says and Haven laughs. “So I can live vicariously through you until this little one is born.”

“You don’t have to twist my arm. I’ll have red.”

“I think you mean we’ll start with red,” Kylee says. “It’s been a long day with Jesse. Those teeth had better come in soon.”

Sean stands and grabs a beer from the cooler. He untwists it and hands it to me.

“Thanks, bro.” I step up to Jamie at the barbecue to see what’s cooking.

He glances over his shoulder as the girls all talk. “Things good?” he asks, in that big brotherly way that says he knows something isn’t right.


“Heard Carter and Jared were

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