Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,66

me?” I ask as I grab a water bottle from the fridge. The guys laugh.

“What’s to tell? You’re boring as fuck,” Jared says. “Before Haven arrive you were moping around Winchesters like a goddamn Saint Bernard in a heat wave.”

I arch a brow and eye him. “Did you just compare me to a Saint Bernard?”

“Yeah, except a Saint Bernard is probably better groomed.”

I run my hand through my hair as he snickers. Okay, I probably could do with a cut. I turn my attention to Haven. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I gesture with a nod to the loft upstairs, where she’ll be sleeping tonight, alone.

“I’m calling it a night, anyway,” Carter says and pushes from the table. “Early morning tomorrow.”

“Yeah me too,” Jared says.

“It was nice chatting with you guys tonight,” Haven says. “I appreciate you coming over.”

“Anytime,” they both say, and go off to different bedrooms. I gesture toward the loft and Haven climbs the stairs. Once we reach the top, she turns my way. My heart melts a little when I see the chocolate on her face.

“You’re kind of a mess,” I say and wet my thumb. I brush it over her cheek and she laughs.

“You mean to tell me I sat there talking to Carter and Jared and neither bothered to tell me I had food on my face.”

“Maybe they thought it was adorable too,” I say.

“Hardly.” She puts her arms around me like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“You had fun tonight?” I ask, even though I already know the answer. I guess the needy part of me wants to hear her say it.

“The best,” she says and gives me a kiss. Our lips linger for a moment, and I slide my hands around her back to hold her to me. Her nipples brush up against me and I give a groan of want.

“Shh,” she chuckles, and it’s so nice to see her fear from earlier gone. She actually sounds drunk on happiness tonight. “We don’t want to wake the kids.”

As soon as those words leave her mouth, my heart misses a beat, imagining she’s saying that about our own family. What the fuck is wrong with me? I shake my head. “You’re right. You okay in here without me?”

She nuzzles close, and I almost forget about my tent and crawl in with her, but that wouldn’t be the responsible thing to do. I laugh at that. When the hell did I become the responsible one?

“I’ll be okay, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be happy about it,” she murmurs.

I kiss her forehead and tuck her hair behind her ears. “What time do you have to be on set tomorrow?”

“Around eight. Not so bad.”

“Tomorrow I have to work on the fight scene. Later in the day though, so that gives me time with the kids in the morning. If you feel okay traveling in with Carter and Jared, that is. As much as I don’t want you out of my sight, I should stay here to make sure the kids all get picked up, plus I thought it would be fun to do some exercises in the lake with them.”

“They’re going to love that,” she says and stifles a yawn. “Hey, maybe before their parents take them home, they can stop by the set. If I’m not too busy, I can show them around, their parents too.”

“I’ll check and see, but I’m sure it can be arranged.”

She exhales, contentment all over her face. “Tonight was so much fun, Ty.”

My throat squeezes tight at the pleasure in her voice and I give her a soft smack on her ass. “Okay, get to sleep.” She makes a mewling sound as I make a move to go, but instead turn back to her. “What were you and the guys talking about?”

She grins and angles her head. “You sound like you’re jealous?”

“No,” I say quickly, and her grin falls. What? Did she want me to be jealous? “If I’m going to be your bodyguard, I should probably know if you told them about the letters.”

“No, I didn’t,” she says. “And they didn’t ask. I love that they just show up because you asked them to, and don’t need to know the details.” I stand there for a second, and note the way she hedged the question. I guess whatever they talked about, privately and intimately, is none of my business. I don’t have to fucking like it, though.

“Goodnight,” I say. I make a quick trip

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