Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,35

not in my best interests. Sharing our physical bodies is one thing. Sharing our hopes, dreams, and future is another.

That thought almost makes me laugh because while I’m sure he has his all figured out, mine is a blank slate, chalked in when the next movie opportunity arises. My agent controls my every movement. I follow along like a little lamb. I remember there was a time when I used to like that. Or maybe I never did. Maybe it was just what I grew up doing. My normal.

He stalks closer and my body reacts to his closeness. “I know a little,” I say when I catch the worry in his eyes.

Other than my brother, when was the last time someone actually worried about me? It’s sad that I can’t answer that.

“Then you know a woman’s bathroom isn’t going to keep me away when it’s clear something is wrong.” He puts his hands on my arms, and spins me until I’m facing him. Those green eyes of his move over my face, a careful assessment. “Did you get another letter?”

“No, thank God. I’m just praying they stopped.”

“If that’s not what’s upsetting you, what is?”

“I’m not upset,” I say quickly, and lift my chin to display a confidence and composure I really don’t feel. But I’m an actress and if I can’t pull this off, maybe I should quit.

He exhales sharply, and I sense his frustration. My God, the man is disappointed in me. That’s worse than anger, and why the hell can’t I get anything by him? “Why are you lying to me, Haven?” he asks, his voice a measure softer.

I glance at my feet, like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “I…I…”

“If you didn’t like that woman putting her hands on me, just say so.”

My head snaps up, and he’s not grinning, not teasing, not making fun of my ridiculous jealousy. No, there’s no ego at play here. He’s sincere, totally accepting of my feelings. Most guys would laugh, tell a girl to get over it, invalidate her feelings, but not Tyler. He values my emotions and as much as I don’t want it to, it plucks at my heart.

He lightly rubs my arms. “I never asked for her to touch me. I never encouraged it. If we’re doing this, Haven, if we’re going to be involved while you’re here, and I’m going to be your bodyguard, we need to be honest.”

I nod in agreement. He’s absolutely right. “I don’t know why I was jealous. We’re having sex. Nothing more.” I crinkle my nose. “But I guess I’m not really into sharing either.”

“I told you I was the only man who was going to put his hands on you while you were in Blue Bay, but what you need to know is you’re the only woman I want to put my hands on. Got it?”

My pulse leaps, and deep between my legs I grow wet. “Got it,” I say, feeling a little silly for the way I acted, but at the same time excited to know it’s me, and me alone he wants—for the next few months, anyway.

“How about we get out of here.” He steps close and I gasp as his hardening cock presses against me. “If we don’t get somewhere private, like ASAP, I’m going to bend you over this counter, lift this little dress up and sink into you.”



I stand back as she says goodnight to her cast and crew, and they carry on with their drinking and conversations as I lay my hand on the small of her back and lead her out into the night. I catch Jonah’s eyes as we go, and I pull her in a little closer. Am I showing possession? Damn straight. I want everyone to know she’s with me, and oddly enough, I’m not one-hundred percent sure it’s because someone is after her.

Outside, streaks of pink and purple bruise the night sky and Haven’s shoes tap quietly on the cement, breaking the quiet around us. She glances around the parking lot and arches a brow as she turns to me.

“No motorcycle tonight.”

“Nope. Why, did you want a ride?”

“Honestly, I’ve never been on one before.”

“No?” I keep my hand on her body and she leans into me. “Rock’s never taken you out for a cruise?”

She almost cringes when I bring up her brother, and really it’s not her who should be worried. He’s liable to hand me my ass on a platter for sleeping with her,

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