Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,10

head, obviously sorry for that outburst. “It’s just…I guess it’s the world I grew up in. It’s tit for tat you know. No one does anything altruistic. So, I guess I just assumed…”

“Assumed I wanted something,” I say, finishing her sentence. “I don’t, Haven. Despite what you think of me, or what you’ve heard about me,” I say, knowing her brother talked trash about me for years, even though that was for show. It certainly doesn’t mean the world didn’t believe it though, or that Haven doesn’t think I’m a world class prick who preys on the dreams of innocent children. “I was raised to do the right thing.”

She nods, and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She looks down for a second and when her head lifts, the worry on her face hits harder than one of Rock’s haymaker punches. My brain is still rattling around in my skull from the last one.

The freckles around her nose bunch when she says, “I…I can’t really say anything.”

“Okay, you can have your secrets, but you’re in my house. I can’t have you bringing trouble here, Haven. I have brothers and cousins to think about. I have Gram to watch over. Here in Blue Bay we protect what’s ours.”

She nods, and goes quiet again. “I’m sorry, Tyler. I’d never want to do anything to jeopardize you or your family, especially after everyone has been so kind, opening your home to strangers.”

My heart pinches at the worry in her voice. I have a feeling Rock was right when he told me his sister was one of a kind, a girl who cares more about others than she does herself. “There are no strangers in Gram’s life,” I say, and it brings a smile to her face.

“She’s really sweet. She’s like the grandmother I never had.”

I nod, sad that Haven never had anyone like Gram in her life. Honestly, she’s the glue that holds the family together. After Mom died, she stepped right in to keep us boys in line. “Yeah…,” I murmur.

She glances at her hands as she twists them in her lap. “It’s just if my director ever found out.”

Tabloid pictures fill my brain. Ah, now I get it. Haven is worried about bringing more trouble to the set, and losing her career. Shit. She’s definitely caught between a rock and a hard place. I touch her chin, lift it until those pretty eyes of hers are on me again.

“Your secret is safe with me. You have my word on that.”

She nods, picks the wet napkin back up and nervously plucks at it. “I’ve been receiving letters…threatening letters.”

Fuck. I exhale and sit back in my seat. “Did you go to the police?”

She shakes her head fast. “No, I can’t. I can’t do anything to lose this job. My career…”

“That’s why you kissed me at Winchester’s? You thought Sean was some sort of stalker, and thought if he saw you with me, he’d back off.”

“After I landed, someone shoved a letter under the bathroom stall. It said, You’ll be mine.”

“If it was the woman’s bathroom, do you think it was a woman?”

“I don’t know. I guess.”

“Well, a guy could have paid someone to do it, I suppose. A beautiful woman like you, I can see it being a guy, especially saying you’ll be mine.”

“Yeah,” she says with a nod. “I just don’t know.”

As a jolt of anger rushes through me, I shake my head, my fingers curling into fists. She notices my reaction and gives a megawatt smile, like she’s said too much and wants to backtrack. Her switch in demeanor happens so fast it catches me off guard.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she says quickly.

I narrow my gaze. “If it was nothing, you wouldn’t be so frightened.”

She continues to smile, but when I arch a brow, refusing to let her off the hook, she gives in and her face falls. “Yeah, you’re right.”

I lean toward her, and brace my elbows on my thighs. “How long has this been going on?”

“A couple of weeks now.”

“Do you have enemies?”

“I…I don’t think so. Rock does, but—”

I consider our MMA fans. Would one go so far as to threaten a fighter’s sister? “You think someone who has it out for Rock would come after you?”

“I really don’t know.” Blue eyes full of vulnerability search mine, and my gut twists. “Do you think it could be?”

“I don’t know either, Haven. Do you think you should call your brother?”

She shakes her head. “He has a big fight

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