Hammer (Heartlands Motorcycle Club #9) - Dani Wyatt Page 0,25

is to me.


Chapter 12


I watch Hammer’s chest rise and fall in slow, deep breaths as he sleeps. I trace the ink and fight back the ever-present doubt that somehow he and I could make this more than just a love story that could never really work.

After all, I haven’t given up my dream of moving back east and finding my place at ProPublic or the First Amendment Coalition, or Anti-Defamation League.

The ache in my chest reminds me that I’ve fallen hard for this leather-wearing biker who repairs heating and cooling equipment and runs what are more than likely some sketchy deals for the club. I respect everyone for what they do to make a living, as long as they aren’t hurting someone else, but I can’t see that this is a match that would fit with the future I see for myself.

Or saw for myself.

I squint my eyes closed, I don’t want to ruin what we have right now and living in the moment is the choice I make. As irresponsible as that may be.

Maybe Hammer, Rob…would come with me. I haven’t shared my dream with him and that’s not totally fair. Maybe, just maybe, he would be open to a change. It’s hard to imagine. These people here in Seneca are his family, but miracles happen and maybe not tonight, but soon, I’ll need to have a talk with him and see if there is any way our worlds could merge in a way that fits us both.

My body is still humming from the pleasure he brings me, and hearing him say I love you for the first time. The sounds of the bar are getting louder as the afternoon turns to evening, and I lean over and kiss his shoulder.

“Mmmm.” He turns, eyes still closed, and kisses the top of my head. “Sorry, Angel, you wore me out.”

“It’s okay.”

His lips stay planted on my head and it feels so perfect. Protective and possessive at the same time.

I’m nestled in the crook of his arm, my cheek on his chest, when he runs a hand down under the blanket and over my hip, then resting it on my belly and the simple touch sends a shiver through me. My thoughts of how we do and don’t fit together are one thing, the fact that I could be pregnant with his baby right now is completely different, and I wonder how I could have been so irrational.

It’s time. Waiting to have an important conversation is stupid. I’ve already let this go too far and it’s not fair to either of us, and possibly the life we’ve already created, to stall at the practicalities any longer.

“Rob?” I ease up onto my elbow.

“Yeah, babe?”

I take a second to choose the words. I want this to be productive, but when I think I have my head wrapped around the perfect approach we are both jolted from the moment.

The sound of a gun shot, screams from the women in the bar and the sound of something hard hitting the door end the conversation before it can start.

Rob is up and in his jeans before I can get my next breath. He leans down, pulling on one boot while hopping on the other foot, then he switches, shooting a look my way.

“Stay in here,” he barks. “You understand me?”


“Stay here!” He repeats as he pulls on his t-shirt, then his vest, and stomps to the door. “Do not come out until I come for you, or one of ours. Lock the door behind me.”

He opens the door, the sound of men and women yelling and things being knocked over, glasses breaking and mayhem filling the small room.

“Okay,” I finally answer, slipping out of the bed to find my way to my clothes.

“I love you,” he says as he slips out the door and slams it behind him.


By the time I emerge from the hallway into the bar, there’s hardly a table or chair not overturned. There are bloody knuckles, broken noses, and the floor is slick with beer and broken glass.

I’m in it in a second, I don’t ask questions. This is our house and you defend it without hesitation, and figure out what the fuck is going on later.

I dive forward, coming behind a black leather jacket that has Bulldog in a choke hold. He can hold his own, but he’s closest and I’m ready to crush whoever thinks that can come in here and disrespect our place.

As I maneuver behind the attacker, his

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