Gypsy Truths (All The Pretty Monsters #6)- Kristy Cunning Page 0,91


“Four years?” the vampire bites out, clearly incensed. “Right under my astral projected nose while I had the best opportunity to spy on her?”

Releasing a tired breath, I stare absently at nothing, unsure what to say.

“I can’t even deal with this right now. At this point, I’m actually looking forward to your Monster Olympics.” The red in his eyes ebbs just barely with my confession. “Go find the wolf. Remind him he’s lived through this before. Maybe now you lot remember why I gave up any personal connections and retreated into a life of solitude.”

“Not the time for ‘I told you so,’ Morpheous,” Arion says as he turns and blurs out of sight.

This really has been a shit day.

Has anyone told Violet her monster is no match for an alpha? Probably not. Nope. We’ll let it rock on, since no one wants to tell the stubborn girl anything anymore.

And she wonders why we talk in circles and delay inevitable confessions.

Running a hand through my white hair, I take a seat and exhale harshly.

Why can’t loving a woman ever be less complicated?

Chapter 25


“No sign of him anywhere near the Neopry Estate,” Vance tells me.

“Where’s Margie?” I ask Vance.

“Arion, I genuinely don’t have the patience for your random train of thought tonight,” he says too harshly.

“Where’s Margie?” I ask again, letting it be known I’ll continue asking.

“She retired once the wolf was crashing through the house and vampires started rising from their grave,” he says in an irritated tone. “Why is that important at a moment like—”

He stops talking, and if I had to guess, he’s piecing it together.

“Did you fuck Margie?” I can’t help but inquire.

“No,” he grinds out. “Before Violet, I’d been celibate for a while.”

My eyes roam over the dark shadow of a wolf that is staring over the edge of a cliff, his eyes on the bright moon.

“I finally found him. He’s on the far south end of his property,” I say as I hang up, putting my phone away.

Emit glances back at me and then away, not riled the way he should be about my presence on his property during such a sacred moon.

“I heard the news,” I tell him, moving toward him very carefully.

He looks away, a small growl bubbling in his chest.

“Since you’ve sought solitude instead of rash vengeance, I’m assuming that means you’re keeping your head right now,” I note.

It’s not as though it’s the first time she’s done this to one of them. I’ve never had it done to me. I’ll be sampling Violet’s blood before, during, and after every bedding from this moment on.

I take a seat by him, not getting too close.

“Let’s take note of how much more we know.”

He grunts.

“Or how much less we know,” I amend.

He makes no sound to that.

“She’s been topside longer than we thought, and she has been stalking us—well, she’s been stalking you three, since you left me bloody buried as well. Everything she’s said and done has been a ruse. As far as that last part goes, it’s not as though we didn’t overtly suspect as much,” I tell him, even as he silentlyf broods, eyes on the moon, likely absorbing all the tranquility he can from it in this particular moment.

“Now that Violet’s started us down this new rabbit hole, I can’t help but notice Margie, Vance’s trusted housekeeper, was wildly suspicious. At least, now that I know Idun was up during at least those last years of my sentence. Anyway, turns out that Margie left just when the town started getting fun. Violet raising the Simpletons actually interrupted whatever plan Idun was initially working on. This tells us a lot.”

He growls.

“Yes, I agree. It tells us a lot that we don’t want to know, but it still tells us a lot,” I carry on. “I’m not just being an insensitive prick, but we know this game. Don’t let her in your head again, wolf. This is how she always breaks you.”

He cuts his gaze toward me, eyes fully dilated.

“Okay, so not exactly the same. She’s never been one to assume the identity of an omega before. I guess your omegas will be shaken by that knowledge. However, the premise is the same, regardless of the details.”

He stands and starts moving away from me, heading toward his home.

“You’re not charging into her lair and starting a war? Any chance we can keep this information to ourselves?” I ask, hoping to let Idun carry on with her charade, which would be easier if she Copyright 2016 - 2024