Gypsy Truths (All The Pretty Monsters #6)- Kristy Cunning Page 0,81

on its way back in.

Emit’s breath comes out coarse and heavy.

Without another word, we both take a step at the same time, and then briskly walk the last length of the distance to where Violet’s begun raising hell.

It all happened too quickly.

Violet may have damn well planned this. But for what bloody, insane purpose?

Talbot and Avery are standing just outside the doors, where Violet’s voice is muffled.

“You two, get gone,” I tell them both, narrowing my eyes at Avery in specific. “And we’ll have a conversation later,” I assure my beta.

Avery gives me a nod, avoiding my gaze, as he leaves. Talbot’s expression gives nothing to indicate his emotion, and his eyes never meet ours, as he walks away.

I don’t trust that codger.

Emit bursts through the doors a little too dramatically, and I side-step him, smoothly moving into the room. My eyes settle first on Idun, who is at the end of the table, her grin blooming across her face the second she sees me.

Her eyes are positively sparkling with delight.

She’s only ever crazy when she’s this excited about something.

“I figured you’d be showing up at some point, Van Helsing. It is absolutely adorable your little girlfriend found the arrogance to show up, unannounced, and wished to personally address this matter with only two betas.”

She quirks an eyebrow, as if to say, “How stupid have you made her?”

I can’t even seem to take one step closer, the weight of the curse holding me to the entryway of the room. Idun’s House rules: All Van Helsings are confined to the entryway of the meeting room.

Her rules are her House laws.

The strictest of the all the Houses.

My jaw tics, and I cut my eyes to Violet, wishing I could somehow breathe just an ounce of self-preservation into her stubborn, headstrong mind.

Violet gives me a little wave, grimacing, because she knows I’m livid.

The fear has ebbed just enough for me to get royally pissed about the situation she’s once again put me in.

Emit takes a step toward the table, but a row of betas quickly stack in front of us, crossing spears over each other to block his path.

They couldn’t stop him if he wanted to get by, but they’re a reminder. I’d be forced to fight him in this House, required to uphold her law.

He slants his gaze to me, just as my hand moves to silver melting from my pocket and sliding into my hand, forming my hilts.

“You’ve honed that craft remarkably, Vancetto,” Idun says in a purr. “I never imagined you’d be that fine with the silver. It used to take you ages to forge one silver sword.”

I cut my gaze back. Violet stays quiet, eyes flicking between us, until Idun turns her attention back to Violet.

“He’s so frustrated all the time because he’s the most confined. You see, being the hero can be terribly exhausting. I’ve always tried to help him out as much as possible. Not that he’s ever appreciated such effort,” Idun says, as she props her chin up on her hands, puckering her lips in a playful pout.

She grins at Violet, while Violet keeps a stoic expression.

“Emit’s lazy and full of self-loathing, unless he can scar your body with his hideous mark, and then he demands for you to leave it there for the sake of his uninspiring, pointless existence. I’ll let you keep him,” she says, shrugging a shoulder.

Violet raps her fingers on the table, her lips preparing to move.

“Don’t,” Emit cautions, trying to stop her before she engages.

“Emit’s not as ruthless, and he does let too much slide,” Violet says, dulling down Idun’s attack. “He’s also the only alpha who looks out for his omegas. Not just some of them—all of them. His laws reflect that. It’s the real reason his betas rebel so much. They have no respect for the ones who need protection, and they hate that their alpha helps the weak. They want a more ruthless image.”

Idun snorts, and then she quickly covers her mouth, as her body starts shaking with suppressed laughter.

Violet’s face returns to stoic.

“I’m sorry,” Idun says, barely reining in her laughter. “Now I see what you see in her. She’s perfect for you soft fools. Have you honestly forgotten what we are?”

Her expression turns more serious, and she loses all interest in Violet, as her gaze returns to mine. Contempt is in her eyes.

She then flicks her attention to Emit for the first true time.

“I’ll be one to have to deal with your endless bad bloodlines, because Copyright 2016 - 2024