Gypsy Truths (All The Pretty Monsters #6)- Kristy Cunning Page 0,57

can while I have this opportunity.

“Five gypsy families for one sacrifice.”

The wind sputters at my back, before it funnels toward me at outrageous speeds, and the air is filled with howls that echo through the thick, dark, somewhat horrifying crime scene I’ve landed amongst.

Screams pierce my ears, and my breath seizes in my lungs, just as something wet and warm slaps my face.


Definitely blood.

I tremble, staring directly at Arion, who rips a heart clean out of someone’s chest. The dead man drops to the ground, as the gentle man I saw through so many memories just moments ago proves to be lost by this night.

The vampire grins as he lifts the heart and lets the blood trickle into his open mouth, and shouts to the skies in fury.

My stomach roils, because these were my mother’s people. Her family. The ones she loved so dearly that she spent her eternal invested in their revenge.

I shouldn’t be watching this.

Knowing the story is enough. I don’t need a visual.

“Four gypsy families torn apart.”

It takes a few seconds longer, and I’m forced to watch as Arion turns, five knives strapped on his fingers, and finds an array of targets. With a dark grin, he begins slicing through necks almost effortlessly, moving fast and efficiently, never hesitating.

A chill rides up my spine, but the scene fortunately changes, just as he nears me.

Before the image can blur too much, I watch his attention turn toward my direction, and either by accident or coincidence, our gazes meet and hold.

His pupils dilate, and I’m half certain he sees me. In the next instant, I’m more convinced someone behind me was about to die or something, because that’s impossible.

Arion’s mind isn’t in here. It had to be something else.

I land in a bank of memories that once again break my heart, when I see the men who were so closely bonded suddenly battling with everything in them against each other over fields of corpses.

A whole lot of mass graves lie in their past.

It seems to take up the majority of the song.

“Three gypsy families turned cold of heart.”

The scene shifts to an icy room full of hiding Simpletons, four Portocales, and a lot of fangs-bared vampires.

History explained down to the gist.

“Two gypsy families couldn’t back down.”

In the next instant, I see a man I don’t recognize, which means he must be a Portocale, since he’s going head-to-head with Idun. There’s only one type of alpha who doesn’t get to keep the same face upon reincarnation.

I stumble back when Idun’s monster suddenly emerges, her body distorting into some mutant-looking humanoid creature. Nails extend, her dress rips, and her entire body turns leaner and more defined as it grows.

It’s so abrupt and unexpected that I don’t even know how to react to the sight of it.

Her eye-sockets stretch wider than her eyes, which leaves them only tethered by the nerves there. Her eyelids disappear, as the black sockets glisten, almost creating a hollow shadow. Her mouth stretches wider, and a lot of sharp teeth start protruding.

Her next step is taken with a hideously monstrous foot, which has claws on it as well.

Jurassic Park floats through my mind. She reminds me of a demonic, humanoid attempt at a raptor, only with longer arms, standing more upright, and no tail.

Oh, and a lot more claws.

Possibly bigger teeth.

So…she looks nothing like a raptor, but my head is in a frenzy, because she is definitely intimidating. And gives off the terrifying alien vibe.

It’s not like the other monsters I’ve seen. She’s not a pretty monster at all.

The man staggers, eyes wide as though he’s seeing it for the first time as well. Her monster grins, showing off more of those terrifying teeth, as a growl bubbles in her chest.

In the next instant, she moves so fast I miss the motion. One second she’s standing in front of me, and the next, she’s standing behind the man.

Like a horror movie, I watch in stunned silence as his head slowly slides off his neck and thuds to the floor, bouncing and rolling, eyes frozen open in the same shock.

My breaths come out shaky, as Idun smoothly morphs back into her delicate, feminine body. She’s naked as she moves through the room, licking blood off her fingertips, as she smugly smiles down at the man.

I bet that’s Edmond.

Awful as he seems to be, he did love Caroline. Watching her suffer all those years had to provoke the prideful man in him at some point.

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